You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (9)

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okay kiddywinks. for those that did not wat to read the sex scene here it is in brief.

they have sex in the shower, harley panics because she think shaun is looking at her with not lust filled eye but full of love and make the sex more agressive .....

(catch up ....)

I grabbed the shower gel to wash off. He stayed in the shower with me as I washed and washed my back for me.

He stayed quiet as we washed off in the shower. In fact he didn't even say anything when we went to his room. It wasn't like him to be so quiet. Almost like he was thinking about something.

I wanted to ask him what was wrong but then thought better of it.

He climbed into the bed and watched me as I walked around to the other side. Not forgetting our deal yesterday for pizza I dropped the towel I had wrapped around me and climbed in, naked, with him. I turned on my side facing away from him like I usually do and felt him move in the bed beside me.

His finger ran up and down my arm. I shivered at his touch. It wasn't a shiver of pleasure, but it wasn't a bad one either.

It felt soothing and slowly I was drifting off.

"Harley?" he whispered.

"mmm" I replied waking up a little.

"do you believe in love?" he asked in a serious voice.

"i dunno what to believe in these day. Why? Do you?"

"sure. I guess I do. They say love is the best thing ever. Better then sex!" he snorted.

"is that so!" I replied.

"i guess I'll find out when I grow up."

"that you will. I'm sure you'll find the perfect girl for you. One that wants sex on tap, likes your cooking and doesn't mind the boy's either."

"you know you just described yourself there." he poked me in the ribs.

I turned around to face him "are you saying I'm the perfect girl for you?" I asked amused.

"err...iii...errr... no?" he said making it sound like a question then a statement.

"i'm just kidding. I would never make you happy in the long run." I sighed. How true that really was.

"what makes you say that?"

"for one I don't even know if I think love exists" I snorted "and besides I'm not your type"

"how do you know your not my type?"

"cause you normally go for blonde hair blue eyed girl's. I think I'm the only brunette girl I've ever seen you bring back." I replied light heartedly. It was no big deal just something I noticed over the last year or so.

"that's not true. Blondes just happen to be hotter. Nothing but the best for me."

"oh so now I'm not hot. Thanks" I sniffed.

"that's not what I meant.... you know how hot you are any way. So don't act like your hurt."

"yea I know I'm hot. How else would I pull all the time." I said smugly.

"so my type is blonde then aye?"

"yup." I said turning over again.

"i think your wrong."

"prove it!" I said knowing he would fall into the same pattern when we went out. He would scope the place for girls and he would always be drawn to some blonde bimbo.

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