You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (3)

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- Please Don't Bring it up again -

When I got home my brother's car was on the drive. Great I guess I wont go undetected like usual. I knew I should have set an alarm last night so I would have been done earlier. I trudged up the drive and stairs to my house.

I stepped through the doorway after unlocking it. Trying to be quiet. If I was lucky he would be on his computer and wouldn't hear me. Then I would get away with not having to get a lecture from him. He would only be repeating the same things he did last time, and his words would only fall on deaf ears.

I tip toed past the lounge and dinning room checking before going past that he wasn't in there or wouldn't see me walking past.

"Harley?" Fords deep booming voice called out, as I creeped past the music room.

Dam didn't think he would be in there. "no the boogey man!" I called out.

He stepped into the hall. "what are you doing?" he asked me. With a confused look on his face.

"going to put my washing in the tumble dryer." I told him.

"why are you creeping around? You look like a burglar." he said smirking at me.

"cause I didn't want to see you." I said with out feeling ashamed.

His face fell a bit. "ahh come on don't you miss your big ol' brother?"

"yeah but he hasn't been around for a long time. Your like a grumpy old man these days." I told him.

It was true. He used to be my hero. I looked up to my big brother as a kid. But then things changed. He changed, I changed, everything changed. All because of my dad.

I felt my heart squeeze thinking about him and the tears well up in my eyes. Everything changed and it was all his fault.

"don't be like that. You know how hard things have been. I don't mean to be grumpy kiddo. I'm just looking out for you. You know the way he would have wanted, the way he would be doing it if he were here" he's face softened as he noticed the tears forming in my eyes. "don't cry I didn't mean to bring it up." he pulled me in for a hug and brushed the few tears, that had escaped, away with his thumb.

See this is why I don't come home. They only bring up bad memories. Things I want to forget, or at least not think about.

"i wish he was here. Things would be so much easier." I whispered to him.

"I know. I'm sorry kiddo." he squeezed me a little before pulling back. I had stopped crying. I found it easy to control my emotions these days. "that's better. You look dead ugly when you cry." he joked.

I rolled my eyes "who doesn't?"

"me I still look handsome as ever." he grinned.

"dream on." we walked to the laundry room together.

"so are you stopping long? Mum misses you ya know." he asked hopeful.

"nah I've got plans" I lied, "i just needed some clean clothes and some warmer ones as well." I told him.

He frowned at me "when are you gunna stop this teenage rebellion thing you've got going on?"

here we go again. "when I feel like it." I said irritated. "it's my life! I'm an adult now I can do what I like."

"if your an adult why are you acting like a kid? I mean come on. What sort of life is getting wasted every night, doing things I don't want to hear about, with people you shouldn't? You don't turn up to school any more and you only come home to use the washer. And what's this about you turning down Oxford and Cambridge?"

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