You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (26)

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- Peace and Quiet -

I woke up with Jake's feet in my face. At some point in the night he must have moved to put them between me and Mark. Shaun was once again spooning me slightly seen as I was still sat up leaning against Mark's chest. Mark's arm was still around me, holding on to my waist gently.

I moved so that Jake's smelly socks wouldn't be near my nose and tried to get back to sleep. I snuggled into Mark's chest hoping to drift back to dreamland. But of course I didn't. And to top it all off I was sandwiched between three boys, and not in good way.

Well this is annoying, to say the least.

I heard the sound of scuffling under the bed and realised that must have been the noise that woke me up. But what was making that noise?

The door was slightly open but only a really thin person would have been able to get through the gap, leaving me with no clue as to what or who was making that noise beneath me. To top it off the boys were totally unaffected by it. I hated the fact that they could sleep through anything.

The scuffling moved to come to the side of the bed, finally revealing it was just Scrappy. His cute fluffy head popped up on the side of the bed that Mark was on. He jumped up a little so that his front paws were also on the bed.

“down boy.” I ordered him and he backed away slightly so just his nose was rested on the sheets. “sorry little man but Shaun will kill you if he finds you on the bed.”

Scrappy bobbed his head almost as though he understood what I was saying. I reached over and ruffled his fur.

“go on out you go before he wakes up.” I said pushing him so he would go.

He looked at me with a sad look on his face but headed for the door. It amazed me how much he understood and how well trained he really was. So far he had only weed up one of the house plants other then that he was fully house trained. He answered to everyone of our commands like sit, come, and paw. Ste and Shaun liked to make him roll over most of the time. It just made me wonder why he was a stray? I had looked on-line and in the papers to see if there was any lost dog ads that fitted his description, and I even phoned up the local dog pound, but nothing.

Next week I was going to take him down to the dog shelter to make him officially mine. They were happy to do so seen as at the moment the pound is full with unwanted animals. I was going to get him chipped and finally get a collar for him.

Mark stirred and his grip on my waist tightened slightly, but not so that it was uncomfortable. I twisted round slightly to look up at him.

I smiled at him as his eyes slowly opened. He returned with his own warm smile.

“morning!” I chirped.

He winced bringing his free hand up to head. “not so loud my head hurts.” he said in a whisper.

I chuckled. I guess he was hung over. We did drink quite a lot so it was to be expected. Shame I don't really get hang overs any more.

Oh well at least now he was up I could get up and go to the loo. Now that he was a awake I didn't have to be gentle with my movements. I jumped over him, straddling him at first which made him look at me confused. Once I was off the bed he seemed to realise what I was doing.

I skipped to the main loo not really wanting him to hear me pee.

As I exited the bathroom Bradley appeared from the spare room. I smiled at him “morning!” I chirped once again.

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