You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (32)

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- Just a Little Fun -

I woke up in my bed, for the second time this week. It was oddly comforting, yet not a feeling I wanted to get used to. The purple walls glared back at me, a reminder that I still had all that paint in the back of my wardrobe to change my girly room into a more grown up, more Harleyesque room. One that I wouldn't mind waking up in on the odd occasion ... maybe.

I jumped out of bed and decided that seen as I was up at a reasonable time I would go into school for a change. Maybe even go to a few of my lessons. I'm sure I had my schedule somewhere in my bag...

It was cold walking to school in my skirt and blouse but I didn't feel ready to let go of the summer so I refused to put my blazer on. I would not let the harsh autumn wind win! Stupid I know, but hey if you're gunna dream, dream big!

I slowly walked to school, allowing the rushing youngsters pass me in a blur. A few glanced at me oddly a few times and whispered with wide eyes as they appeared to recognise me. Honestly it was like I was some sort of celebrity, which I was in no way, shape or form. It was utterly ridiculous.

Wanting to avoid registration and staring monsters in the school halls I hung back, resting on the wall. I could see the guys stood outside waiting for the few that hadn't arrived yet, chatting and laughing whole heartedly. I so badly wanted to be there with them, laughing too and being in the know. What was it that was so funny? Had one of them got turned down by girl... most likely.

I sighed, tearing my gaze away from them. I didn't like the yearning feeling I was having. Besides I was supposed to be distancing myself from them, not wanting to spend every waking moment of the day with them.

That's when I spotted him. It was like he had just stepped out of photo shoot. The way he smoothly slipped out of the car. I scowled as I saw a young girl slip out behind him only to realise there was two of the them and another boy. Was he dropping some kids off? Were they his? Jesus how old was this guy?

The two girls did look a lot like him. In fact they looked a lot like one another, twins perhaps. One seemed overly enthusiastic and the other seemed annoyed yet unable to leave him, as though she didn't want to leave him in case he never came back. The look she gave him was one I had seen in Fords eyes far too many times.

I don't know why, but I found myself walking towards his car. Then before I knew it I was sat casually on the hood of the car, looking out into the distance watching the leaves twirl in the wind.

I waited patiently as he watched the girls go into school. Just waiting for him to notice me. But then what if he doesn't remember me? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? Maybe this was a bad idea...

“ahem.” he cleared his throat loudly.

I wanted to chuckle at his poor attempt at being subtle but I remained calm and collected.

As I turned slightly, the wind blew my hair away from my face, revealing to him who I was.

“Harley?” he whispered unsure. As though he was seeing things or possibly dreaming.

Fighting the urge smile, afterall he recognised me and seemed a little pleased to see me too, I patted his car and said “nice ride.” I intended on leaving at that but my cocky self took over. “so, have you come to spy on me?” I added. Hey presto, Harley was back in full swing.

“Err... no?” he said as thought it was a question. “my sisters go to this school. I dropped them off this morning.” he added a little nervously.

I smiled sweetly at him “Aww. A sweetheart as well.” I joked, in a mocking tone. Well it was sweet but I wasn't going to let him think I was being serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2012 ⏰

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