You,Me and a Bed Makes Three (24)

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sorry it's been a while. i've had writters block and been mega busy with my aunts wedding which wil be over on friday =D can't wait to have all my family together eeeek!

- Scary Thoughts -

"Harley let me in" Tom demanded pounding on the bathroom door.

"use the en-suite dimwit." I called out.

I was in the main bathroom getting ready. I had decided to keep my outfit a secret so I had uncharacteristically locked myself in the bathroom alone. Every now and then I would hear Tom's girly screams and now he was pleading with me to let him in so he could escape Shaun's torture, I just found it amusing.

"please. I don't like it." he begged again.

"tough luck."

You see to go with Shaun's house of horrors he had cut the power to the main lights. The whole house had been done up with black material covering the windows and ceilings. Fake cobwebs hung in the corners and in door ways. Creepy insects, skeletons and fake body parts were dotted around the place including the spiders Tom hated.

The only sources of light were the few lamps he had and some candles. It looked quite cool. The garage had only glow in the dark stuff. He had a zombie thing in there and some other weird creepy crap that jumped out at you, which wasn't that scary but only if you knew it was coming. There was also a flickering black light over some UV paint that spelt out the words 'you're dead!' all dripping like blood.

He had really gone all out this year. I was impressed. He did have a little help from myself with the reality of the idea, that was in his head, but mostly it was all his creation. We had found this really cool die that could be put in pools or hot tubs and now the hot tub was a blood red with floating body parts in it.

So here I was sat upstairs in the big bathroom, my only light was a camping light I had taken from Greg's, making myself look perfect. I had to for my outfit, after all I had decided to be an angel, and who ever heard of an imperfect angel, well one that hadn't fallen anyway.

I had made my dress last night and this morning with a little help from Jane. She's always mending the boys clothes so she is well equipped to make clothing. It was white silk and shimmered in the light. The cut was simplistic, it had a deep v neck line and cut of sleeves. The bottom of the skirt was shorter at the front then it was at the back, showing off my long legs modestly. I had gone out this morning and bought some feathered wings that sparkled, as well. I didn't have a halo, it would only fall off. And to complete the outfit I had white, platform, strappy heels. I had tried it all on earlier for Jane and she told me I looked beautiful.

I think it's things like this that makes her wish she really did have a daughter. All those childhood years of playing dress up with her little girl. I feel sorry for her. But at least she's got me to fill in every now and then.

"Shaun stay away from me....AHHHHH!" Tom's high pitch scream was followed by Shaun's evil laughter.

I shook my head smiling, amused at their games. All afternoon they had been terrorising Tom bless him. I had helped him till it was time to get ready and then I left him to fend for himself.

There was another knock at the door only this one was softer. Thinking it was just Tom again I shouted at the door. "just f*ck off!"

"oh okay then, I'll just wait down stairs." a small girls voice said, one I thought I recognised but I wasn't sure.

"wait!" I called out as I jumped up and ripped the door open. Which wasn't such a good idea as I was only in a thong - the dress didn't need a bra.

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