Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

He walks through the double doors. Once he was inside he slammed the doors shut a little too hard. He stands there for a minute to seethe. He couldn't believe himself. What has gotten into him? He already lost control, which never happens, and he just got back from stalking him. Stalking him! He doesn't stalk! He stalked him just to make sure he got home okay. He isn't supposed to do that. He is supposed to want to drink his, oddly intoxicating, blood, not protect him. He's a pureblood vampire for crying out loud. He is an Uchiha! He slams his fist into the wall making a picture fall from the wall. He removed his first to see a giant hole in it's place. Dammit!

"Welcome home otouto, deciding to remodel again?" Itachi smirked.

"Not now, Itachi." Sasuke growled walking passed his brother.

"What happened this time?" Itachi asked following his brother up the grand staircase.

This was nothing new to the brothers, actually something new to them would be a calm day in their house. It is always filled with chaos and destruction. The brothers live with some other vampires, but they aren't there very often. They lived with three other Uchihas. Madara, Obito, and Shisui. They are all drama queens, so when they are here, the house nearly collapses from everything that is going on. Sasuke hates it. The noise. The people. Everything. He would rather be alone. Don't get him wrong though he loves his family, though he would never admit to it, and wouldn't give them up for anything, but sometimes he just needs to get away from them.

Sasuke walks into his dark room and he fell onto his bed with a unpleased growl. Itachi smirked and sat himself next to his brother. "Otouto?"

"I dn- oo."

Itachi arched a brow trying to decipher his brother's mumble. "What was that?"

Sasuke lifted his head up. "I don't knooow." He whined and let his face hit the bed again. Itachi smirked. He loved how his brother never really grew up, but no one ever gets to see him pout like this, and honestly it is the cutest thing Itachi has ever seen.

"Well, I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on." Itachi leans back on his elbows and stares at the pouting raven.

"I jws-"

"Otouto, please, sit up."

Sasuke sighs and rolls onto his back. "I just ... there is this human. He isn't normal. I can't explain it, but something about that boy makes me lose control. I stalked him home today, Itachi. Stalked! This is messing me up! That boy! He ... he ... ugh!" Sasuke throws his head back onto the bed and growls. When he didn't hear Itachi do anything, Sasuke looks over. Itachi was staring at him with wide eyes.

"Are you ... Sasuke, are you serious." Itachi shot to his feet. "Otouto!" Sasuke sat up and arched a brow. Itachi grabbed Sasuke and pulled him to his feet and spun in a circle. He let go of him and Sasuke fell into the wall. He shoots a glare to his brother and straightens up.

"Itachi! What are you doing?"

Itachi stopped dancing and looked to his little brother. "Otouto! Do you remember that story that I told you long ago about how vampires almost never find true love, how vampires almost never find something to fill the void in their unbeating heart?"

"Nii-san, please tell me this isn't going where I think this is going."

"I'm afraid so. It looks like you, my little brother, have found something to fill that void. It's when you have a completely different, but exact same personality."

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