Chapter 6

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"I'm not kidding, you guys. I seriously know that I saw one." Sakura growled as they all sat down at their lunch table. She claims to have seen a vampire last night jumping in the sky or something crazy like that. That's totally crazy.

"Oh, I completely believe you." Kiba says sarcastically. "I saw a fairy last night too."

"Kiba, I swear I am going to come over there and beat you senseless if you don't stop making fun of me." Sakura says pounding the table making it rattle.

"How do you expect me to not make fun of you when you keep saying stuff like 'I saw a vampire! Vampires are real!' and other ridicules stuff like that?" He imitated an annoying girl voice as he quoted Sakura, which may he add actually sounded pretty spot on.

"I do not sound like that." She looks to everyone and they all look away casually as if something had just caught their eye. She opened her mouth from shock at her friends taking Kiba's side. "Naruto, you too?"

Naruto nervously laughs and puts his hand on his neck looking back to his best friend. "Well, he wasn't completely wrong."

"Unbelievable." She huffs crossing her arms across her chest. Naruto pursed his lips to the side

"Nobody likes those things. The world is so much better without them being around to kill people. They're stupid and I'm glad that we never have had to deal with them in our lifetime." Kiba says triumphantly.

Naruto turns his gaze to his friend and frowned. He never knew how much Kiba hated them so much. That made him think a little bit. He was just like him only a week ago. "You know," Naruto's voice made everyone snap their attention to him. "maybe not all vampires are terrible." Everyone was now giving Naruto a confused look besides Shikamaru and Sakura. Sakura was inspecting him. It wasn't like him to say that kind of thing. And Shikamaru, well Shikamaru doesn't care about a lot and he didn't want to get involved now.

"Are you feeling alright bud?" Kiba arched a brow.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine."

"Then what happened to you. It was only a week ago that you despised those creeps."

Naruto shrugs playing it off as if it was just a minor thought. "I was just thinking that maybe we don't know as much about them as we thought we did. You're probably right though. They are most likely just creeps that kill people."

"Yeah." Kiba says confused by his behavior. Sakura arches a brow at him looking him up and down. He was definitely hiding something, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

They all quickly drop the subject and bring up a new one that didn't involve vampires. Naruto listens in and chimes in whenever he feels the need to say something. Then everyone made a friendly bet on who was going to win the practice fight today at the dojo. Naruto or Lee. The bell eventually rang and they all left the cafeteria.


Gai never let up. Not once. He was even more tough of trainer than Jiraiya was. Naruto was breathing heavily as he practiced with them. Everyone came to watch, including Sai this time. Naruto was glad. Sai and Naruto used to be so close, but then all of a sudden he just stopped hanging out with him as much. He always has something going on if Naruto asks if he wants to hang out. It made him sad thinking that Sai didn't want to hang out with him anymore.

"Alright, that is enough for today." The instant Gai said that Naruto fell to the floor to catch his breath. Lee was still as energetic as ever. Naruto normally has a lot of stamina, but Lee was unstoppable. Although this all is rather new to him. Last time he did anything like this was when he was younger. "You guys were fantastic today."

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