Chapter 14

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"What are you talking about teme?" Naruto gasped at the raven who was sitting next to him with his arms crossed across his chest and an annoyed glare on his face.

"I have already explained it to you ten times. What is so hard to understand about something might be on Sakura?" Sasuke glances to the blond who furrows his bows.

"But ... she seemed fine. How do you even know something could be there?"

"Itachi and I both sensed it."

"It was very faint, but I knew something was wrong the moment I saw her." Itachi confirms.

"And you want me to do what?"

"We want you to bring her to the movies and meet up with me there. Act as if everything is normal and you just want to hang out with her, we don't want to scare her if it turns out to be nothing. We just have to get close to her for a longer period of time and see if we can sense anything more or we can see if it is affecting her actions in any way."

"Okay, but did anyone else sense it?"

"Madara and Obito were downstairs and Shisui didn't seem to notice, but it took Sasuke a little while to notice as well so I wouldn't be surprised if the others didn't either." Itachi said crossing his arms.

Naruto perks up and jumps off his bed. "Well then, if you both think something is really wrong then we better not waste any time. I'll go get her ready now and meet you there." Naruto grabs Sasuke's hand and starts to run. He looks back to Sasuke with a grin. "But I need you to drive me there."


Naruto jumps out of the car and he runs up to the door with Sasuke not far behind. Naruto knocks, then they wait. A few seconds later the door opens revealing the pink haired girl. Her eyes go wide seeing Sasuke and Naruto. "Naruto, Sasuke. What do I owe the pleasure?"

"You have to come with us. I'll tell you everything while you get ready." Naruto starts pushing her back the hall to her room.

She looks back to Sasuke with confusion. "You can come in Sasuke." She says this as Naruto pushes her into her room shutting the door. Sasuke sighs taking a step in her house.

"Sakura? Who was at the door?" Sakura's mother steps out from behind a corner, locking eyes with the raven. Sasuke grumbles to himself. "Oh, hello. Are you here for Sakura?" Her mother moves her eyes up and down Sasuke many times.

"Yes, Naruto is with her right now."

"Oh, Naruto is here too? You must be their friend, what is your name?"

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke smiles at her making a smile appear on her face as well.

"It is nice to meet such a handsome young man. Sakura never brings her friends home." She pauses for a second, her eyes widening. "Oh. Are you dating my daughter?"

Sasuke's eyes widen. How did she come up with this conclusion? "No I am just-"

"There's no reason to be shy!" She laughs putting a hand on Sasuke's arm pulling him to the kitchen. "Let me make you some tea, sweety. Oh I have been wondering when Sakura would bring home her boyfriend." Sasuke felt his eyes twitch. This lady...

Back in Sakura's room, Naruto was turning her closet upside down. He was looking for a pretty outfit, just because she never let him pick out her clothes.

"Naruto. Can you tell me what the hell you are doing."

Naruto paused, seeing something that would look nice, not that she dressed badly any other day. He grabs it and walks over to Sakura holding it up to her. "Helping." He sets the dress on the bed and goes back to the closet.

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