A dare and a question

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Me: Hi we're back! *waves*

Soul: Maka that hurt!

Kid: yeah it doesn't even solve the problem, I'm still asymmetrical!

Me: stop complaining anyway we got a question and a dare

Black Star: I bet I got one!

Me: I see you've lost your headache *sighs* ok the dare and question are from Skycatluvscake and the question is for Tsubaki, Tsubaki do you have a crush on Black Star?

Tsubaki: ...uh...

Me: I'll make this easier *shoves Black Star out of the room*

Tsubaki: thank you and yes I do

Make: really?

Liz: O.O

Tsubaki: yes *blushes*

Me: Black Star you can come back in here now!

Maka: there was a dare too who's that for?

Me: Soul you have to kiss Kid on the other cheek so it will be symmetrical

Soul: I got dared to do that?

Kid: fine if it makes it symmetrical

Soul: *kisses Kid's other cheek*

Kid: now I'm completely symmetrical...except for my hair!

Liz: *sweat drops*

Me: thanks everyone, but you know you ask and dare all the characters from Soul Eater not just these one's

Black Star: remember to dare me!

-Ella out/

Soul Eater Truth or DareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang