1 dare

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Grace: we got a dare for Soul!

Soul: really?

Grace: yep and it's from DeaththekidisHOT and they dared you to dress up like a girl in a bikini and go to Spirit and ask him out and if you don't one then kiss him ON THE LIPS! *smirks*

Soul and Maka: WHAT?!

Grace: yep which one do you chose?

Liz, Patty and Tsubaki: hahahahahaha *laughing their asses off*

Black Star, Kid, Crona and Me: *in the corner*

Spirit: *not in the room*

Blair, Stein and Medusa: XD

Soul: I am defiantly NOT kissing Spirit!

Grace: first option it is then! Liz can you help him

Liz: *smirks* alright come on then *drags Soul upstairs*

Grace: hey Black Star, Kid, Crona and El get over here! Soul was dared to dress up as a girl in a bikini and ask Spirit out!

Me and Black Star: .... HAHAHAHAHAH!!! *runs out of the corner laughing like hell*

Kid: *smirks* this will be amusing to watch *gets out of corner*

Crona: ...... *expressionless*

Grace: come on Crona! *drags Crona over to the couch*

Liz: alright everyone get ready to meet...Soulmantha (get it, like Samantha but with Soul at the start XD)

Soul: *walks down the stairs wearing a black and red striped bikini, with thick pink lipstick and bright green eye shadow with black mascara and a long white wig* this is so not cool

Everyone: .....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Maka: Soul! *hysterically laughing*

Soul: *blushing red* s-stop laughing

Me: nope!

Grace: now for the rest of the dare...SPIRIT GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!

Spirit: *bursts through the door* yes?

Me: we would like you to meet someone *smirks*

Spirit: who?

Grace: Spirit meet Soulmantha, Soulmantha meet Spirit

Soul: *blushing angrily*

Spirit: *gushing* oh my your such a pretty young lady

Maka: *irk mark appears*

Soul: *rolls eyes and blushes redder* um Spirit will...you...go...out, with...m-me?

Spirit: yes of course! Someone as gorgeous as you shouldn't deserve to be alone *pedo smile and grabs Soulmantha around the waist*

Everyone other than Soul, Spirit and Maka: ...

Me: I think I'm gonna be sick *turns around and is about to throw up*

Kid: if your going to throw up make it symmetrical!

Everyone else: *sweat drop*

Me: *throws up...symmetrically*

Kid: perfectly symmetrical *smiles*

Maka: it's been very peaceful

Grace: that's because Black Star was dared to shut up again

Maka: good

Black Star: *looks green and is about to throw up too*

Tsubaki: Black Star?!

Black Star: *throws up asymmetrically*


Liz: *sighs* I'll get the mop

Spirit: I'm taking Soulmantha out now! *giggles and waves, dragging a pissed off Soul*

Grace: ...that just happened

Kid: *still ranting about the asymmetrical puke*

Grace: ok thanks for daring we really appreciate it. Bye!

-El out/
-Grace out/

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