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Me: @Mapleshade2 dared everyone to act like Blair for awhile, Skycatluvswriting dared Kid to make Soul's room symmetrical, Crazy17child dared Kid to make Asura's room symmetrical and Lord Death has to hold Asura back and Morailsforlife246 dared Kid and his crush to kiss, Black Star and Tsubaki to kiss, and for Soul to kiss them on the lips! All like they mean it! Alright let's start!!

Kid: Finally I get to make it symmetrical! *runs out of the house*

Soul/Asura: HEY!!!! Someone stop him!!!

Me: Nope *holds Soul by the arm*

Lord Asura: Asura *holds Asura by the arm*

Me: Now everyone act like Blair!

Tsubaki/Liz/Patty: *puts on slutty dresses*

Maka: ....No way.....

Me: But-

Maka: ....No way.....

Black Star: Meow?

Me: *puts cat ears on Soul* There!

Kid: *bursts in* Soon everything will be symmetrical!

Me: Next!!!!!! *lets go of Soul*

Lord Death: Let's go of Asura*

Black Star: Alright Tsubaki *kisses Tsubaki like he means it*

Tsubaki: Aww *blushes*

Kid: ...... *kisses Liz like he means it* *blushes*

Liz: *blushes*

Me: Now for Soul, come in Morailsforlife246!

Morailsforlife246: Hello!!!! Oh Soul!!!! *runs up to Soul*

Soul: *grabs Morailsforlife246's hands and kisses her like he means it on the lips*

Morailsforlife246: Agh!!! Thank you! Thank you! Soul!!!

Me: Well that's a wrap! Thank you everyone who read/voted/ commented!

-Ella out/

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