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Okay this isn't apart of the book but I got tagged and now I guess I answer the questions.
Also this is the first time I'm actually doing this.

I was tagged by WeaboooOtaku

Q1: where do I live?
Well I live in Victoria, Australia

Q2: Single/Taken?
I'm single

Q3: Have a crush?

Q4: First anime?
Vampire Knight

Q5: Currently watching?
Soul Eater

Q6: Favourite anime?
Defiantly Soul Eater

Q7: How old?
I'm 14 years old

Q8: If you could change something what would you change?
I'm not sure, I don't think I would change anything

Q9: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Again I'm not very sure, because I keep changing my mind but if I had to pick, maybe a lawyer

Q10: Favourite characters?
Death The Kid, Black Star, Spirit, Ezra, Haruhi and Zero

Q11: What anime would you like to live in?
Either Soul Eater or Fairy Tail

Q12: How many animes have you watched?
I've watched 8 animes

Q13: Would you ever want to go to Japan with me?
Well I've always wanted to go to Japan so probably

So here are the questions if you are tagged.

1: Who is your best friend?
2: The worst anime you've seen?
3: Last person you messaged on Wattpad?
4: How old were you when you saw your first anime?
5: Your favourite anime opening?
6: Your favourite thing to do at the moment?
7: What colour eyes do you have?
8: Your biggest fear?
9: Your favourite anime?
10: If you could spend an hour in any anime, what would it be?
11: Favourite song at the moment?
12: Where are you from?
13: Favourite book on Wattpad?
14: Least Favourite book on Wattpad?
15: Birthday?

Sorry if these questions are really shit, or if I copied someone else's questions.

So I tag some people.

Ok so I tagged a bunch of people, I hope it's good enough.

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