2 dares and a guest

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Me: hello

Grace: hi everyone!

Maka: let me guess...dares

Me: yup! We have 2 dares, we will start with Crazy17child who dared Asura and Lord Death to play FNAF 4 and they both have to make it to night 7 and everyone else has to watch them

Everyone: ...wait Asura?!

Asura: yep *floats in*

*everyone glares at him*

Lord Death: *comes through the mirror*

Me: so now your both here

Asura: Death *glares*

Lord Death: Asura *returns glare*

Me: you 2 have a dare to do! And Asura be nice or else!

Asura: *backs away in fear*

Me: yeah that's what I thought! *hands them both an iPad with FNAF 4 on it*

Time skip to night 7 (cause those 2 are really awesome at the game XD).....

Me: night 7?!

Liz: *shaking in fear*


Me: there's no night 8 *shrugs*

Kid: NOOOOOOOOOOO! *crying*

Asura: *constantly checking the area. Very scared*

Lord Death: *really awesome at the game and is doing practically nothing*

Asura: *about to get killed but sees just in time*

Lord Death: *loud beeping noises start and the screen flashes red*

Everyone else: *in suspense waiting to see who won*

Lord Death: *game glitches and then he is killed 1 hour before 6:00am* DAMN IT!!!

Asura: *finishes night 7...just* that was the scariest moment of my life *sighs in relief*

Me: *takes iPads away* we have a winner....Asura!

*knock, knock!*

Me: someone knocked on the door?! *runs to the door and sees DeaththekidisHOT * oh your here come in *smiles*

Grace: hey who's that?

Me: this is Death everyone

Death: hello

Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Kid, Crona, Blair, Spirit, Stein, Medusa, Lord Death and Asura: hi/hello/hey (whatever they say)

Black Star: hello I am the great God Black Star!

Death: .....

Me: let's get on with the dare! Ok would you like to say it Death?

Death: sure! I dare EVERYONE to play all night in heaven XD

Everyone: O.O

Me: *smirks* except me, Grace and Death

Grace: yay

Me: ok *pushes Maka and Soul in a guest room* *pushes Liz and Kid in his room* *pushes Black Star and Tsubaki in another guest room* *drags Crona and Patty to her room*

Death: *pushes Medusa and Stein in another room* *Spirit and Blair happily go to a room*

Me: now we wait

Grace: how long will this take? *groans*

Death: all night

Me: *sitting on the couch with Asura, Lord Death, Grace and Death*

Time skip to next morning...

Me: *wakes up* the dare's over come on Death lets go and get everyone!

Death: *wakes up but leaves Lord Death, Asura and Grace asleep*

*walks to Maka and Soul's room first and open the door to see the 2 asleep and a pile of clothes on the floor*

Me: *shudders* hehehe lets go and see the others

*walks to Liz and Kid's room and open the door to see the 2 awake and hugging*

Me: dare's over

Death: you can come out now

*goes to Tsubaki and Black Star's room and sees Black Star asleep on the floor without a shirt whilst Taubaki was asleep on the bed*

*Patty and Crona's room, the 2 are asleep in the corner*

Me: *smiles*

Death: now only a few more

*Stein and Medusa's room, the 2 are awake and making out*

me: I hope we aren't interrupting anything but the dare is over!

Stein: *shrugs and walks out holding Medusa's hand*

Death: now only for Spirit and Blair...I kinda don't wanna look

Me: knowing them...neither, let's just skip them

Time skip back to the couch.....

Me: *chilling with Death, Grace, Lord Death, Asura, Kid, Liz, Stein and Medusa*

Soul: *comes downstairs with a bloody tissues in his nose*

Me: hi Soul *smirks* how was it?

Soul: *blushes* what are you talking about?

Death: Sorry to interrupt but if gotta go now

Me: it's ok bye!

Death: bye! *leaves*

Me: ok thanks for your dares and DeaththekidisHOT if you don't like your part can you please tell me and I will fix the part immediately!
Thank you and I hope you like it!

-El out/

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