1 dare and the first day

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Me: *sighs* we are back

Grace: yep!

Everybody: hello! *waves*

Me: *looks at Asura and Kid, who woke up and are now sitting opposite each other and are glaring* for the first day of the 4 day dare...this is going horribly

Grace: this brings us to our dare, Crazy17child Maka gets to scare Lord Death and Asura into being protective over Kid *says so Kid, Lord Death and Asura can't hear*

Maka: what?! How am I supposed to scare a grim reaper and a kishin?!

Soul: Maka is right

Me: I know how

Stein, Medusa, Blair, Spirit, Tsubaki, Black Star, Crona, Liz, Patty, Soul and Maka: *look confused*

Me: *face palms* Asura is scared of everything and Lord Death, from what I've seen, only cares about Kid, so....

Everyone: ....oh

Me: ok everyone into the kitchen, now *everyone expect Kid, Lord Death and Asura go to the kitchen*

Maka: Kid come here!

Kid: *walks in and looks bored* what?

Maka: well I got dared to scare Asura and Lord Death into protecting you

Kid: like I said, I don't need their help!

Maka: I'm apologising in advance so sorry, but it will make it more reliable

Kid: what the hell are you talking about?

Maka: *Maka-chops Kid hard*

Kid: *falls onto the ground clutching his head* WTF MAKA?!

Maka: now stay still and shut up!

Kid: *pretends to be dead*

Me: Lord Death, Asura! Come her quickly!

*Lord Death and Asura walk/float in and see Kid*

Maka: I don't know what happened! *shrugs*

Lord Death: oh no Kid!

Asura: *grumbles* serves him right

Maka: *grins* hey Asura, I'm not afraid of you anymore

Asura: *frozen in fear* w-what?....not again?!

Me: actually none of us are

Asura: *screams and crumples to his knees* you must fear me!

Lord Death: *screams* Kid!

Everyone else: wtf is wrong with these people?


Patty: *grins* YAY! *changes to scary and mean Patty* GET YOUR SHINIGAMI AND KISHIN ASSES UP AND DO THE DARE WITHOUT ARGUMENTS OK! *uses scary voice*

Everyone: *shudders and takes like a million steps back*

Asura: *screaming in fear* O-OK W-WE WILL D-DO I-IT!

Lord Death: fine

Kid: *gets up, brushes imaginary dirt from his suit and glares* what the hell Maka?!

Asura and Lord Death: oh Kid, your not hurt and your perfectly fine! I was really worried about you, you know *1 used sarcasm the other didn't*

Kid: *sweat drops* whatever *walks out and slams the kitchen door in all our faces*

Me: damn

Maka: you have 3 more days to go, which means 3 chapters. Bye!

Me: thanks for the dare, bye now!

-El out/

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