Im back...with dares

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Me: Hello I'm back!

Everybody: Where were you?!

Me: Ah...yeah I'm sorry I was gone for so long

Maka: Well where glad your back

Tsubaki: Yeah, do we have any dares?

Me: Yup, we have a few. Ok first from DeaththekidisHOT Kid has to kiss either them or Blair. Next from warriorthunder Blair has to meet her daughter Catline their character and show her how to be like Blair, Stein has to Marry Marie, Kid has to go on a date with Maka. Next from Morailsforlife246 Maka and Soul have to kiss like they mean it and Spirit has to dress up as a girl. And tomboydeer dared Kid to say "I hate symmetry".


Me: Shut up and we can start ok Kid your first you have to kiss either Blair or DeaththekidisHOT

Kid: *sighs* I'm definitely not kissing Blair, so...

Me: ok DeaththekidisHOT come in

DeaththekidisHOT: *comes in* Just call me Death, hi again!

Kid: *kisses Death* there

Death: Thank you! Bye! *leaves*

Me: next dare Blair has to meet her daughter Catline and teach her how to be just like Blair

Blair: Oh yay a date for me! I never knew I had a daughter though

Me: Well you do now

Catline: *walks in* hello everyone! Hi Blair!

Blair: Now I can teach you how to be like me! First you have to dress in skimpy clothing

Catline: Alright!

Blair: Second you've got to seduce men wherever you go

Catline: easy

Blair: Thirdly you've got to give all boys nosebleeds when they see you

Catline: that's all I need to do? Thank you! *leaves*

Soul: Great now there's going to be another Blair around *sweat drop*

Spirit: Another Blair!

Maka: Don't be such a perv papa, MAKA CHOP! *Maka Chops Spirit*

Spirit: owwww...

Me: Next Stein and Marie have to get married!

Stein/Marie: What?! *blushies*

Me: Gotta do it, it's a dare

Stein: ah..alright

*le time skip*

Me: Ok Mr. Stein do you take Miss Marie to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Stein: I do

Me: And Miss Marie do you take Mr. Stein to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Marie: I do

Me: Great now you may kiss the bride

Stein: kisses Marie

Everyone else: *claps and cheers*

Me: ok now for the next dare... It's horrible! Kid has to go on a date with Maka!

Maka/Kid: What?!

Soul: No way!

Liz: I agree no way!

Me: I know I hate it too *whispers* Kid X Maka should never existed! *crying*

Grace: Oh hi! wait Ella, what's wrong?

Me: It's.....the dare

Grace: ...Your an idiot, oh well. Ok now Kid and Maka go on your date

Kid/Maka: *leaves*

Grace: Next Soul and Maka have to kiss, but Maka's not here at the moment so well do another dare. Spirit dress up as a girl

Spirit: alright *gets handed clothes and goes and changes*

Grace: I wonder....

Spirit: *comes back in a frilly purple and black dress and high heels* How can you walk like this? *trips*

Grace: Lol

*Maka and Kid walk in looking bored*

Grace: How was it?

Maka: it was...ok, I just read my book

Kid: yeah

Grace: Alright now Soul and Maka have to- *gets pushed to the side*

Me: Soul and Maka have to kiss passionately

Soul/Maka: *blushies*

Soul: *kisses Maka*

Maka: *kisses back*

Me: Alright! Last dare! Kid has to say "I hate symmetry!"

Kid: What?! No! I can't!

Black Star: Hahahahahaha!

Tsubaki: Black Star-

Kid: I hate symmetry .....oh no what have I done! I don't hate symmetry! I'm asymmetrical garbage! *starts crying*

Liz: Kid your not asymmetrical garbage

Patty: Garbage smells and you don't

Kid: Do you mean that? *stops crying and looks up* thank you

Everyone else: *sweat drops*

Me: Alright we're- *gets pushed*

Grace: We're done! Thank you and goodbye!

Me: Hey! Well anyway bye!

Hey everyone, I'm sorry for not updating in so long, I honestly forgot about this book for a couple of weeks, anyway I'll try and update quicker this time.

I bought Soul Eater off eBay and it arrived on Wednesday and I've already watched it, finished watching it on Friday.

We are on school holidays at the moment, which is cool too.

Well bye!

-Ella out/

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