Chapter Three- Truth Revealed

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We were in Uncle Tails' garage, looking through random misselania boxes that he had pulled out. He had finished with our parents' past (which took forever!), and I had asked for proof. I didn't believe half of what he told me. None of it seemed possible! I mean, my father couldn't have fought gods! It sounded really fake.

But our uncle stood up and said, "If you want proof, I'll show you."

So, here we were, digging through random boxes. Alice studied a photo in her hands before handing it to me. The picture showed an younger looking version of our father, with his arm around what looked like to be our mom and Uncle Tails. A plump, round man was laying on the ground, looking beat up and defeated. I blinked at it.

"Omg... Bolt! Take a look at this!" Alice said.

She shoved another photo in my face and I took it. Uncle Tails stood beside me.

My mouth dropped. "Is... Is that...?" I mumbled.

"Yep," He agreed. "It's Super Sonic."

The picture showed a very bright yellow hedgehog, quills in an upward position. His eyes were red, and there was a firey glow around him. He floated a few inches from the ground with a grin on his face, a similar grin like mine. I blinked at it.

My dad... Was an actual super hero? With actual powers?!

I looked up at my Uncle, amazed. Then, I lunged at the box in front of me and pulled out a brown guitar. I held it in my hands gently, looking it over.

"That was your fathers." Uncle Tails said, smiling softly. "Used to play it alot."

I looked back down to it, and noticed a sheet of folded paper in the strings. I carefully plucked it out, and opened it slowly.

Dear Bolt,

It's been at least fourteen years since I've played this. It's been in the garage for safe keeping, so I could hand it down, undamaged. It helped me through alot (I played this when I proposed to your mother), and now I'm hoping it does the same for you.

You have shown enough responsibility. It was my Uncle's, who had received it from his grandfather. It is very old, and I hope you are very careful.

We love you. Happy fifteenth birthday, son.

Sonic T. Hedgehog.

My eyes stung. I could feel Alices' stare on the side of my face. That's right. My birthday was in two more days. I placed the note down and stroked the strings. Still in tune. I suddenly felt angry. Why? The answer is simple: Our parents were kidnapped by Eggman and Scourge (That's their names, apparently), and we were just sitting there. Doing nothing about it. I stood, put the guitar back in the box, and placed my eyes on Uncle Tails.

"We have to save our parents." I said.

Alice stood. "We...? As in, you and me?"

I looked at her and nodded. "With Uncle Tails and the gang."

Uncle Tails said, "Actually, no you're not."

I whipped my head back around to face him. "What?"

"You aren't coming."

"Why not?!"

He sighed. "Because if you two got hurt, your parents wouldn't forgive me. They wouldn't want you coming along in the first place." He paused for a second. "And, you don't have any powers. You-"

"Yes I do." I blurted.

All of them looked at me. I winced.

"You do...?" Sapphire asked, putting a box down slowly.

I nodded slowly. Time to reveal the truth.

I sighed. "I... I think I have my father's speed."

They continued to stare at me.

Gosh, why do you guys have to be so creepy? I thought. I grinned at them, ignoring that fact.

"Wanna see?" I asked, turned a 180°, and ran off.


A rush of wind made my quills fly off to the side. I smoothed them out and ran out of the garage. Bolt was standing on the very top of a building, a giant grin on his face and hands on his hips.

He... He had our fathers speed?! I gaped at him, trying to comprehend what was happening. I mean, sure it makes sense, but why didn't he ever tell us?

He raced back down the side of the house and ran left. A loud boom went after him, and my ears rang. I winced slightly as it cleared and Bolt was in front of me a second later. He held out a bouqet of flowers. I slowly took them, keeping my eyes on him.

"You... You...?" I tried, but was to surprised to actually form words.

He winked at me and walked up to our Uncle. "Well?" He asked.

For a second, he was completely still. Then his face broke into the widest grin I've ever seen on his face and his eyes lit up with excitement.

"This is amazing!" He cried, pulling Bolt into a tight hug.

Bolt stuck out his tounge and made a face as if he was being squeezed to death. I giggled.

Uncle Tails suddenly dropped him and spun to the others. "We're taking them."

Luescris' eyes widened. "Tails, you just sa-"

"Yeah, yeah I know! But they can really help! Bolt can do what his father can!"

"Yeah," Came Lapuz. "But what about Alice?"

I held up my mothers hammer. It felt balanced in my hands, and fit just right. I lifted it over my head and swung it gently. It felt absolutely perfect!

I looked up and grinned confidently. "I think I've got my weapon."

Sapphire gave me a strange look. "Isn't that... Amy's?"

Uncle Tails grinned. "Yes, but I think Alice can borrow it for a while."

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Thanks!"

He chuckled, and I let go. This is very exciting! We're going on an adventure, just like our parents did!

I turned to Bolt. "You ready for this?"

Bolt grinned and gave me a thumbs up. "As ready as I'll ever be!"

Uncle Tails headed out of the garage, motioning for us to follow. I gave a small squeal of excitement.

World, here we come!

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