Chapter Four-Sonic and Amy

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Amy held Sonic in her arms tightly, looking down at him with worried eyes. He had been out since the fight in their own yard, and hasn't given any signs of waking up soon. No twitch of his finger, no turning in his sleep. She was scared. Half for him and for herself. They were locked up in a cage, surrounded by water. The last thing she remembered before being knocked out was Alice shouting her name in a very desperate way, and Bolts' shocked face.

Tears welled in her eyes.

My children...

She wondered if they were alright. If they had hidden somewhere safe. She wanted nothing more than to be back with them, to hold them in her arms.

Then, Sonic bolted upright and out of her arms with a gasp, snapping Amy out of her thoughts. She blinked.

Sonic quickly turned around to look at her with an alarmed look. "Where are we?"

Amy hesitated. "I... I think we're in Eggmans' base."

Sonic scowled and stood, walking over to the bars. "Eggmaaaaaahhheeeyyaaa...." He froze suddenly, seeming tensed up. He stared down at the water below him with large eyes. He stayed staring at it, gripping the bars.

Amy quickly cane to his side and took his arm, leading him away slowly. "Sonic, just... Just come with me." She said with a comforting smile. She could feel him trembling with fear.

"Water.. W-why does it have to be water...?" He said quietly with a gulp. He really wasn't staring at anything.

Amy brought him down to the floor and hugged him tightly. He slowly hugged her back and dug his face in her shoulder. She stroked his quills, trying to comfort him in the best way she could.

Then, a door opened from below them. Amy looked down at it and gritted her teeth.

"Eggman!!" She called, getting the Doctors attention.

He looked up with a sly grin. "Well, it's about time you woke! I was starting to get worried!"

"Cut the act Egghead! What do you want?!"

"It's not me who wants you," He replied. "I believe someone else has an.. Ah, vendetta."

Amy blinked once again. "Vendetta?"

Eggman smirked and stepped out of the door way. A green hedgehog walked in and looked up at the cage with a smirk. "Hey babe. How's it goin'?"

Sonic looked up from Amy with a scowl. "Do not call her 'babe'." He then placed his head back on Amy's shoulder.

"Looks like the Blue Blur is not as strong as people think you are." He chuckled.

Sonic growled in his throat, but stayed silent.

"I have a proposition for you," He continued, leaning on the door. "You either let us take Sonics' speed, or you."

Amy glared at him. "I'm not going back with you, or letting you try to take Sonics speed. If I had my hammer, I would smash you into a green glub."

Scourge sighed and snapped his fingers. Eggman took out a button and pressed it. The cage jolted downwards instantly, and the two hedgies yelped. It stopped inches from the water. It then jolted upwards halfway, causing them both to fall to their backs.

"It's simple. You choose one, or it's bye-bye Sonic and Amy."

Amy thought for a moment, then said, "At least let us sleep on it. For now."

Scourge peered over his glasses at her, then growled. "Fine. But I'll be expecting an answer when I get back." He then turned and walked out, Eggman following.

The floor closed, hiding the water. Sonic looked up after a while and shuddered. "I hate water..."

Amy smiled gently. "I know." She looked down, smile disappearing. "Sonic..." She began.

Sonic looked over at her with a questioning look. Then, alarm swept over his face. "No Amy." He said sternly.

Amy looked up. "Sonic, please. It would be much less painful if I let him take me."

Sonic blinked at her. "No it wouldn't." He said quietly. "If you leave with Scourge, I'd never see you again. Nor will our children. Plus, you'd be an assassin again. I don't want that. You and me both don't want that." He took her hand in his, pleading with his eyes as well as his words. "If you leave again, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I would much rather loose my speed, than loose the one I love the most."

"But, you love to run..." Amy said quietly.

"You are more important, Amy!" Sonic cried. "Why would I choose my speed over you? I would be the most terrible person in the world if I did." He brought her into a hug. "Please. Never say that again."

Amy melted into his arms, biting her lip.

"I'd do anything for you, Ames." Sonic said. "Even if it meant to give up the one thing I'm good at."

Her eyes were now filled with tears. He had been making sense, but once was enough. The pain that he went through the last time was like watching him die. What if he really did die this time? What if it was to much on his body?

"Let's just... Go to sleep." Amy suggested, closing her eyes to stop the tears from falling.

Sonic looked down at her, and nodded. He layed down on the cold, hard medal with Amy on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you, Amy."

But the pink hedgehog was already asleep.


Yeah, I know. Short chapter, and kinda sucky chapter. U just kinda went with the flow here. I mean, I had an idea, but, it wasn't really coming out with what I had in mind... All well!

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