Chapter 22- War Plans

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A/N: These next two/three chapters are gonna be funnn. Also, short chapter.

~~> Sonic's POV

"Tails!" I gasped, sitting upright. "Hand me the walkie talkie! I've got it!"

Without a word, he took the device off of its holding place and handed it over.

I pressed the button on top, and said into it, "Luescris come in. You there?"

A quiet second. Then, "Yeah I'm here. What's up?"

"I've got a plan. But I'm gonna need you to--"

"Wow that was fast. You were stumped on that literally a few seconds ago." The wolf chuckled.

"Just listen alright?" I said. "Everyone else lean in to listen too. Here's the plan. As soon as we land, we're probably going to be met with a load of robots. So, I want us to split up. Lue, you take Shadow, Rouge, and Knuckles. I'll take Bolt, Alice, and Sapphire, and Tails you and Lapuz."

From what seemed like the background, I heard Knuckles ask, "To do what?"

"I was getting to that. Lue, your team will follow Tails." I looked at the back seat of Tails chair. "Tails, I want you to find some way to make a bomb out of these two jets as soon as we land. There should be enough material to do that. Then, sneak into the ship and find the engine. Place the bomb onto the ship and set it for five minutes tops. Think you can do that?"

"Psh, look who you're talking to." He replied cockily, smirking in the rear view mirror at me. "I'm one of the smartest people on Mobius. I'm pretty sure I can handle that."

I nodded once and turned my attention back to the talkie in my hand. "Good. While he does that, Lue, your team will also sneak in and find the Chaotix. When you do, you rescue them and bring them out as fast as possible. If you greet any robots, take them out. If you do happen to make it, take the Chaotix to the safest location and make sure their not hurt, and stay with them no matter what. Until it's over. Me, Bolt, Alice, and Sapphire will handle the ground. Taking people to safer locations, getting as many robots taken out as possible, all that."

My two kids turned to me with incredulous looks.

"We're... We're helping too?" Alice asked, blinking.

"Well of course," I grinned at them. "You two pulled through even when Amy and I almost gave up. I couldn't be any prouder of who you two grew up to be. You both have strong hearts, and I think that you deserve to be heroes too."

Bolt and Alice looked at eachother, and grinned.

Amy spoke up next. "What about me? What do I do?"

I looked at her. "Stay here in one of the jets. Keep the top closed and stay low. I don't want to put you or the child inside in danger. You think you can do that for me?"

To my suprise, she nodded once. "For you."

I gave her a smile. "Alright. Everyone else got that? Everyone know what to do?"

"Yes, but Sonic," Sapphire came from the talkie. "What about you? Your injury on your back hasn't healed, and you still haven't recovered from when Eggman took your energy."

"I'll be fine." I replied. "What matters the most right now is taking back the world. I'll worry about me when everyone--everything-- is safe, and away from Scourge and his evil hands." I looked at the people around me. ".. Even if there might be holes in the plan that I came up with, and even though it might not be the best, we have to try and forget our pains and exhaustion. This is as close as we have ever gotten to saving the world in this past week or so. We have to make it work. This is our last chance. So use it, wisely."

"We'll be right by your side, Sonic." Luescris replied. "Always. Luescris out."

Once again, I looked at all my family members around me. "Do I even have to ask if you will be?"

"No," Amy answered, squeezing my hand. "You should know the answer."

I looked at Bolt. "Tails, we have the Chaos Emeralds right?"

"Yeah. Of course." Tails replied

"Why?" Bolt asked.

"Just in case."

We all fell silent after that, for the rest of the ride. I was somehow already exhausted, even if all I did was come up with a last minute plan. Simply thinking about fighting made me even more exhausted. I hadn't even realized I had dozed off until Amy shook my shoulder gently.

"We're here Sonic." She said.

I rose up and rubbed my eyes, somehow feeling a bit more energetic than before. But as I looked down at the world below as we slowlylanded in what looked like a clearing in a forest some feet away from civilization, I saw at least a few hundred glitters from the sun's rays hit metal bodies, and my heart sunk. I breathed through my nose. This might be it.

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