Chapter Twenty Five- Temper Testing

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This story hasn't been updated in a WHILEE. Time to write some more to this! :3

~Sonic's POV

We stared at eachother for a long while.

I could feel the other's staring at us both, waiting for something to happen.

Anger and rage boiled my veins, clenched my fists. We never moved.

He smirked.

I scowled.

In a split second I jumped to my feet and tackled him. I was thrown off after a few seconds of rolling on the dirt, already huffing for air from the few punches I threw. I moved aside as he came after me, and caught his fist in my palm.

"Geeze, don't give a man a chance to talk anymore huh," Scourge grunted with that grin on his face still. "Where's that smart quirk talk you'd usually have?"

"Gone." I growled, then kicked him in the gut and tossed him aside. "Along with everything else you've taken."

I watched him grunt and roll to his stomach on the ground. He looked back up at me. "Hey, I haven't taken that much."

"You almost did."

"Almost, but not completly." He stood slowly to face me again, that stupid grin gone. "Unlike what you did. Fiona's dead."

That sentence caught me off gaurd, long enough for him to punch me in the jaw and shove me to the ground.

"Sonic!" Someone cried. I didn't know who. I just knew that they were part of my family.

"Go!" I growled, despite my jaw throbbing. "Save yourselves!"

I rolled over just as he jumped, and watched him spin dash into the ground. I jumped to my feet and ran off.

"What good will that do?!" Scourge shouted from behind me. "I'm just as fast as you!"

I ignored him and mostly focused on not running into debris or panicking mobians. I was also confused on what he said. Fiona's.. Gone? How? I mean, she's done so many things to us in the past-- too many things in fact. Why I even cared was beyond my knowledge..

I ran until I found a clearing in the near forest, then turned a full 180 to face him and stopped.

Too my suprise, he stopped as well.

We had a long, awkward stare down for a few moments.

".. What do you mean by Fiona's dead?" I finally asked.

"You know darn good n' well what I mean," He snapped immediately. "She was still in that stupid ship. I know you and your idiot friends put a bomb in there, and she.."

He faultered. Something Scourge never did.

".. She didn't have enough time to escape. You know, it's kinda funny." He gave a wickedly fake smile and closed his eyes. "Today was her birthday. Did ya know that? Wouldn't expect you to. We were close though.. At least, I considered us to be.." His head bowed and his smile dropped, hands clenched.

All I could do was watch and feel nothing but guilt. He seemed so.. Broken. And I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

".. Scourge," I said gently. "You know it wasn't on purpose. I.. We wouldn't ever do that on purpose. Even if it was to our greatest enemy."

"... Yeah?" He muttered. "Well, doesn't change the fact that she's gone. And she's never coming back. So here's what Imma do." He brought his hand inside his jacket. "The one thing that she wished for was to be queen of Mobius one day. Since she's not here, I suppose I'm gonna have to fulfill that for her." He looked back up at me, full rage in his eyes.

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