Chapter Eleven- Hospital

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~~~> Amy

"Did you call them yet?" I asked Tails.

"I'm still trying to get them on. There's almost no signal here." He replied, looking at me.

I sighed and sat back onto my knees, in between Sonic and Bolt. The rain had died what seemed like hours ago, as well as the fire. But the house was a wreck. The roof was all burnt down and wet. The house itself was black and ashy, and even now it was smoking still. We were all shivering cold and wet thanks to the rain. There was still thunder in the distance, and the clouds still looked heavy. I didn't think it was done.

"Alright. The ambulance is coming." Tails said.

I nodded, stroking Sonics' head gently. Tails watched me for a moment, then sighed and sat next to me. Silence engulfed all of us as we waited.

I looked over at Bolt and smiled slightly. "You remember the first time Bolt began walking?"

Tails nodded and also smiled to himself. "Yeah." His smile faded then and he looked at me. "Why?"

I bit my lip and looked away from him. "W-well... I think.. I think I might be--"

"We're back!" Alice called suddenly, caring a handful of berries and beaming. "There was a whole row of rasberry bushes not to far from here! And, they taste amazing!!"

I smiled as she gave me a couple. She returned it slightly and handed the rest out to the others.  I took one in my mouth. The first bite exploded in my mouth with taste, and the juice was so thirst quenching! I gave a small grunt and quickly popped another one in my mouth.

"These are soo good!" Sapphire said.

Lapuz looked at her sister sadly, then looked down. I watched her with pity. A ghost couldn't eat or taste anything. And she was a ghost.

After we finished our snack, sirens was heard in the distance. I saw ambulance lights flashing against the wet trees. It started to drizzle then, but I didn't care. The ambulance soon showed, and quickly rushed us inside the truck. Bolt and Sonic were taken on those rollable bed things (A/N: Forgot what they're called..
>-<), and we all set off while the firefighters took care of the smoldering house. But what got me wondering was how the tree fell over? The lightning bolt couldn't have been that strong...

"Here. Drink this." A doctor said, handing me a bottle of water. He was a light brown dog, with patches around his face. He looked pretty old, especially with the suit he was wearing.

I smiled weakly at him and started to sip it. Then, I sneezed and did a mini spit-take. And let me tell you something:

It. Was. Embarrasing.

It literally came out like a fountain from my mouth and onto everyone! They all stared at me with surprise, then burst out laughing.

I blushed with embarrassment and looked down. "Sorry..."

The doctor laughed. "It's alright, ma'am. It happens."

I blinked and looked up at him. Ma'am? No one called me that before...

The nurse next to him looked up at him with a dumbfounded look. "Do you even know who that is?!" She asked.

The doctor blinked at the women, then adjusted his glasses a bit and squinted at me. A moment later, he gasped and widened his eyes. "Oh my!! Amy Rose Hedgehog!"

My heart did a sudden leap.

He quickly rushed over to me, grabbed my hand, and shook it vigorously, beaming. "I can't believe I couldn't see you!" He exclaimed. "It is such an honor! Such an honor!"

I blushed slightly again. This man was either old, or just had terrible eye sight.

He released my hand and went around, shaking all of the other's hands. He kissed Alice's hand though, causing her to blush and blink with surprise. We exchanged confused looks after he was done.

"And these two," He said as he made his way to Sonic and Bolt. "Are your husband and son?"

I nodded slowly.

"E-excuse me, sir..." Lapuz said shyly. "What is your name?"

The doctor facepalmed himself. "Ah! How rude of me! My name is Albert. Over there," He pointed to the nurse. "Is my wife, Nessy."

She glanced my way, then looked out the window with a small, "Hmph."

"We're here." The driver said then.

I looked out the window, and saw the hospital. Like any other, it was large and couple stories high. A couple window lights were on though, which meant that people were still up. The truck pulled up into the E.R. and out we came, into the chili night air. Immediatly, nurses and doctors rushed us all in, shouting orders and such. They placed adhesive pads with wires on the backs onto Sonic and Bolt as we ran through the hallways of the hospital. They placed them in a room, and for what seemed like hours the hospital staff surrounded them, and us. They asked us questions about what happened and if we were harmed in any way.

Soon, the excitement died into stillness, and me, Alice, Tails, Lapuz, Sapphire, and Luescris all sat in silence outside of the room as one last doctor inspected the two. We all sat in silence, avoiding eachothers gaze. The door then opened, and I jumped up onto my feet worriedly.

"Are they alright?" I asked, hands folded in front of my face.

The doctor smiled gently. "Your son is fine. Nothing major. He'll only need a few hours more to rest, and then he'll be fine." He paused, and looked down at the clip board in his hand and frow. "However, Mr. Hedgehog has a rather long scar across his back. It's not very deep, but if he bends the wrong way it'll cause him alot of pain." He looked back up at me. "We suggest to keep him from any 'world saving' for at least a week or two."

I nodded. I couldn't speak. A lump had formed in my throat as he spoke, and I was on the verge of tears. Both relief and sadness switched places inside my heart. I didn't know which to feel.

"Are we aloud to see them?" Alice asked, sounding as worried as I felt.

"Of course." He replied. "If you need anything, just call us." He then walked away.

Tails walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "We'll wait out here for you."

I nodded, and slowly walked in the room. There they were, sound asleep in their beds. Sonic had a few wrappings around his stomache, but that seemed to be it. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his gently, hoping that he would wake up soon.

"Why can't you just be safe?" I whispered.

I then bent down to kiss his forehead, and walked to Bolt.

We had tried to keep him and his sister safe, had tried to make sure that they weren't going to be interfered with our past. But now here he was, asleep in a hospital bed and covered with ashes. I sat on the side of the bed and stared down at him for a moment, then ruffled his bangs and smiled slightly.

"Are they going to be okay?" I heard Alice ask from the door.

I turned my head to her and nodded. "They're fine. Sonic has been through worse."

Alice walked over to me and hugged me. "But what about Bolt...?"

I smiled gently and hugged her back. "He'll be fine, too."


What has Scourge and Eggman been up too? What was Amy going to tell Tails? Will Bolt really be okay? Find out in the next part!

Woo!! Finally done with this chapter!! Sorry that this took so long. I've been busy. Hoped you guys liked it!

ART IS MINE!!!!! DO NOT STEAL!! Thank you and have a nice day~!

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