Chapter Five-Rescue Mission Part One

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"Man!! This is AWESOME!!!!" I cried with excitement.

We were in Tails' plane, flying over an ocean. The scenery was beautiful! The water below us sparkled as the sunlight hit it. Clouds swept passed us in white blurs in random places in the sky. It was just absolutely fantastic! Never have seen anything like it! I pressed my face up against the window with a giant grin on my face, just to get a better veiw.

"This is amazing..." I heard Alice say breathlessly. Apparently, she was doing the same thing.

"You know, your father hated water." Our Uncle chuckled, his attention on the wheel. "He's scared out of his wits of it."

"Why?" Alice asked.

Uncle shrugged. "He can't swim. Almost drowned a few times."

I looked down at the ocean. How can our father be scared of something so beautiful and bright? I suddenly felt restless. I had an urge to open the window and stand on the wing of the plane. I turned to look at our Uncles' back. "Hey, Uncle? Can you open the window?"

For whatever reason, he smiled at me. "Sure thing."

Alice looked over at me, but I ignored her. The window lifted upwards slowly and I felt the wind immediatly. I unbuckled myself and stood in my seat.

Alice gasped. "Bolt! What are you doing?!"

I heard Tails chuckle. "Don't worry. He'll be fine."

I stepped onto the wing slowly, heart pounding. Vertigo passed through my body, and I loved it. The window closed as soon as I was all the way out, and I could feel Alice staring at me with horror. I looked over at her and gave her a thumbs up to show her that I was okay. I then continued up the wing and stopped at near the tip, the wind wacking my quills against my face with such force I had to fight to stay upright. I grinned ear to ear and put up my arms in the air. I was so excited! So full of energy that I felt like I could run around the world!

The plane dipped down and turned slightly and I laughed with excitement. This was the best thing I've ever done in my life!


I blinked at Bolt. Why in Mobius was he standing on the plane's wing?! He was going to get hurt! Or fall off!

"That's another thing your father did." I heard Tails say. "Stand on the wing of the plane as we flew."

I stared at his back with astonishment. "Really?"

He nodded.

I looked back at Bolt with the same look. He had on the biggest grin, his hands on his hips. He looked almost like our father. That same gleam, that same grin, the same stance. A perfect copy, if it wasn't for those bangs of his. I smiled slightly and let my worries go. He was fine. He knew what he was doing. I turned back around in my seat and stared out the front part of the window.

After a few minutes, an island showed. Lapuz--who was in the back row--gasped.

"There it is!"

I sighed with relief. We were finally gonna get out of this plane! Finally! Then, a jutter of the plane that threw us all forward snapped me back into reality. Literally. My head was thrown back as if someone pulled on my head forcefully. It was afterwards that I realized we were hit. I looked out the window and saw a bunch of mini missles flying towards us.

Bolt must've seen them too, because he knocked on the window. It lifted and he quickly hopped inside next to me, buckled himself, and stared at the missles with all seriousness.

"Going down!" Tails cried, and we quickly headed downwards.

But at the next moment, he pulled upward and spiraled around in the air. The missles followed behind us, some hitting the water and some crashing into each other. I screamed and latched myself onto Bolt, who gripped onto the seat and gritted his teeth. This went on for a while, but the chances of getting hit seemed to increase.

Seeming tired of turning and dipping, Tails said, "You wanna know what else Sonic could do, Bolt?! Luescris! Bring out the Ring!"

Luescris did what she waa told and handed a palm-sized, glowing yellow ring to Bolt. He took it and blinked at it.

"When I open this door, you jump into a ball and aim at the missles! Keep the ring in your hand!" He instructed.

"That's crazy!" We both cried at him.

"I can't do that!" Bolt shouted.

"Just trust me!" Tails shouted back.


"Do you want to live or not?!"

I stared at Bolt with a mixture of surprise and horror. He stood from his seat.

"Fine." He growled.

The window lifted again, and he climbed onto the top of the plane. Then, he jumped up and curled into a ball. I watched with amazement as he started to bounce off of the missles, which exploded on impact. He did this to a couple more and returned onto the plane, breathing heavily. I blinked up at him.

Why didn't he tell us about this speed of his?! I wondered. As a matter of fact, why did our parents hide the truth about their past?

I grabbed my mother's hammer and stared at it, heart pounding. If he can fight, mabye I can too. Besides, I'm not letting him in all the fun. I suddenly felt determined. I wanted to fight. I asked Tails to open the window once more. He did so and I also climbed out. Bolt looked at me with an alarmed expression. I only brought out the hammer, turned, and wacked a missle aside. It crashed into another one and exploded a few feet away. I turned back to my brother and gave him an encouraging grin. He returned it, jumped, and restarted attacking. I stayed on top of the plane, wacking the missles aside and watching them explode.

But we weren't enough. One hit the side of our plane, another exploded in one of the engines, and one crashed into the nose. The propeller stopped, as well as the engine, and we were loosing altitude. Quickly. Bolt yelled at me to keep going, and I tried, but the missles continued to hit us. We hit the glass and kept our heads down. Bolt had an arm around me so I wouldn't fall off. After a few moments, we crashed. My head hit the glass and Bolts arm left my waist. The world around me whirled as I tumbled to the ground, waves of pain sending black and white dots to my eyes. Even after I had fully stopped, it felt like I was spinning to the earth. My ears buzzed, my head throbbed, and here and there my limbs gave off pain. So I lay on the ground, starfish style, trying to let the pain pass. I saw a blur of blue move into my veiw, as well as yellow.

I tried to speak, but my mouth felt numb. Then, totally unexpectedly, I blacked out.


Yeah! Another chapter done! And it is absolutely awesome! I'm at my Grandparents' house right now, so I had plenty of time to update! Also, I'll be calling Tails by his actual name. Saying 'Uncle Tails' all the time would be annoying and weird. But, hoped you guys enjoyed this!

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