Peace To The Dead

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Will Solace POV (edited)

I was just getting out of the taxi I took to my mom's place in New York City. Things have pretty crazy since the second giant war. Most of the time I've been stuck in the infirmary helping out and healing wounded campers. Greek and Roman. Funny how all it took was a war and Octavian to die so demigods would work together. As I turned to my mom's building I saw police tape and cars lining the building. The building looked like a hundred flaming Leo's just ran through it. I turned and walked over to the person closest to me, which just happen to be a police officer.

"Officer what happened here?" I asked. The building was completely demolished, I have no idea if my mother was okay or not. I pray to Zeus that she is though.

"Well a fire started that soon burned down the whole building, luckily the main infrastructure wasn't to burned, so there is a highly unlikely chance of it collapsing." He answered. 

"That's good." I muttered after nodding. Most fires often led to the building collapsing in on itself, so this was good news. Heck, it was probably amazing news if anyone was still inside. I turned back to the officer to see him looking at me confused.

"Is there a reason your here kid? Because, if not, I'm going to have to ask you to take a step back." He told me. And here I thought that New York City's police were stupid. Does he not see the duffel bag I have slung over my shoulder? Nonetheless, I bit my tongue, it's the only way I'll get to see my mother after all.

"Actually there is a reason I'm here. This is where my mother lives and I just got back from my summer camp. I was supposed to spend the last part of summer with her and them I'm supposed to spend my second last year of high school with her too. Now, may I pass and go find her, because if you can't tell, I'm a bit stressed right now?" I may have sounded a bit threatening because the officer narrowed his eyes at me and half-haphazardly grabbed his radio. He muttered some gibberish into it and waited for an answer. Once he got it, he turned back to me with a slight sour look on his face. 

That was the chief of the Fire Department," he informed me. "He told me that they have managed to get most people out of the building safely, but there was one death reported. Says that by the time we got up there, she was already dead from smoke inhalation." 

Okay, one death. Hundreds of people lived in that building, so it's unlikely that my mom died. Even if it's a she, it could range from an old lady the next door neighbor. Breathe Will, breathe.

"Who?" I asked. I may have had a bit of hope with the whole only "one death" thing, but what the officer said next totally ruined that.

"A woman named Naomi Solace, ya know her?" He asked again. No. No, no she can't be dead! Why did this have to happen? She was my mother and I couldn't do anything to save her because I didn't know she was in danger in the first place! I'm such a horrible son. I could feel tearing springing to my eyes and I tried to wipe them away but they just kept flowing. I was close to having a break-down at this point. All those campers, all the children, all the demigods. And now my mother joined the fallen.

"She was my mother." I choked out between the tears. This was the worst day of my life, hands down. 

"Your her son?" He asked, looking for clarification.

"Isn't that what I just said?" I asked through gritted teeth. I knew at this point I was pushing my luck but that wasn't the first thing on my mind right now. I bet the officer could tell because he looked sympathetic towards me.

"How old are you?" He asked me. I could tell he was hesitant on asking me anything right now because of my state, but it was his job after all.

"16." I whispered, right now I couldn't bring myself to talk at a normal voice. Talking at a normal voice would make it look like everything was alright, which it isn't.

"Well in that case, you're not a legal adult yet. And we were informed that she lived alone, so there's no one to take you in at the moment. We'll have to look through your records to see if we can find a living relative. I'm going to need you to come with me" He said seriously. He straightened up and waited for my response. I considered resisting and making a run for my taxi, but I don't think  that would be the best thing for my record. Instead, I just mutely nodded. He turned around and walked away, expecting me to follow. We walked to his police cruiser. Well, more like he walked and I trudged several paces behind him.

Once we made it there, he opened the back seat for me and I slid in. He spoke something into his radio walkie-talkie thing and then began to pull the car out of the parking lot. I sent a silent prayer down to Hades, asking him to give my mother a good after life. She deserved Elysium. She may not have been a hero to the public, but she was one to me.

"Good bye mom." I whispered, looking at the shrinking building behind me.

Sorry about Will's mom's name if anyone knows the real one please tell me thanks


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