The Newspaper

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[An ad in the newspaper]

Join a cult with Diana Huntress!

A place where you can summon spirits, practice magic, or do anything!

Meet at 13 Demonic Avenue on the next full moon.

Physical demons, angels, witches, wizards, humans, fairys, whatever you are, all are welcome!

Who knows? Maybe even Alcor will show up!

100% Free!

Jonathan smirked at the ad.

"Demons you say! Well I might wanna check this place out then," he brang the newspaper up close to his face to see the address.

Jonathan didn't normally read the newspaper, but this article just stood out to him. No use buying the whole newspaper though, cause why waste a good five bucks on something your only gonna read once. Jonathan tossed the newspaper down on the stand and walked away, already typing the address and time in his phone, as not to forget.

"Hey mate, are you gonna buy that?" One of the clercks asked him rudely.

"No," Jonathan placed down the chocolate bar he'd picked up. "I'll be back later to get some."

Then Jonathan waltzed out of the store, and hopped on his moterbike, speeding away at miles over the speed limit.


A knock sounded from the door. Diana went to open it, and a young man stood outside. She extended a hand to him.

"Hello there. I am Diana Huntress, Goddess of the Hunt, Lady of Slow Deaths, Mistress of Tricksters, and Keeper of Truths, founder of this cult. To enter, you must tell me these things. Who are you, what are you, and why do you want to join?" She asked politely.

Jonathan smirked. His near black hair was tussled in the wind. Diana held out her hand which he didn't shake.

"Jonathan, now demons, ha, that's me were talking 'bout," he told her before stepping inside the house.


Shade noticed this ad quickly while messing with the crossword puzzle. "Anything..?" She muttered with a smile, she looked back at the small scales covering her forearms and shoulder.

The girl had only taken off her jacket alone. Shade folded the page of the paper and stuck it in her pocket for safekeeping. The girl walked over to the address of where is advertised. As Diana walked inside he hung out the front, ice wind making his leather jacket flap. He saw a silhouette of a girl walking towards the place. He sat on the small balcony of the house, smiling as the girl came towards him.

"Hey, come to join the party, huh?!" He chuckled at her. 

  "It's not a party, Jonathan!" Diana called. She appeared in the doorway, leaning on her 2 metre ebony staff. "Well, it kinda is. Hi, I'm Diana Huntress, Goddess of the Hunt." She introduced, offering her hand. 

 "Don't shake it," Jonathan sighed. "Never shake someones hand!"

Diana dropped her hand beforw the newcomer could shake it, and glared at Jonathan.

"And why, do tell, would you not be polite?" She asked falsely sweet, her voice dripping with venom.

  "Shaking hands with ANYONE will put you in danger, do you know nothing!" Jonathan scowled. 

Diana frowned for a minute.

"You've made a deal with a demon before, haven't you." She accused flatly. 

  "Not me, but I have delt with demons before," Jonathan smirked, "let's just say, I am normaly in close proximity with shit like that." 

 Diana narrowed her golden eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked slowly.

  "Not gonna say no more! Anyway shall we," Jonathan motioned towards the door that was standing wide open.  

  "Double negative equals positive." Diana smirked. "Now you have to tell me." 

 "Nope, we got better things to do, so come on," He jumped of the safety rail he had been sitting on and strode inside.

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