Cosimo, the guy who knows people!

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  "Don't be lazy, Onyx! Geez." Diana remarked.  

"Heh.." Jack chuckled before staring at a wall. 

Snake hissed and slithered under the couch.Shade came back.  "Does anyone have a lizard I can borrow?" She asked. "Oh wait never mind." Shade pulled a small gecko out from it's tail.

Onyx quickly stood up and glared at them all before yelling,"would all of you SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She then froze them all in the air with her demon magic.

"Hey hey," Alice easily broke free of the weaker magic and scowled, braking Jonathan free too. 

Jack stood still, annoyed and not very amused. Snake tried to move.

Jonathan walked forward and grabbed Snake.

"Heh.." Jack couldn't help but laugh.

Jonathan continued to hold Snake in a lose choke hold.

"Agh!" Snake slithered out of Jonathan's hands and hid under the couch. Shade wasn't there, she was a small purple lizard. "Hi!" Shade smiled and leapt onto a coffee table.

"Not getting away from me so easily!" Jonathan cried and flung out his hand. The couch glowed gold and hovered up. Then he lifted his other hand and Snake lifted in the air.

Snake tried to slither away. "AHH, LET ME GO!"

"Strugling is pointless, so you should really stop wasting your energy!" Jonathan laughed.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Shade hissed and sat down. "Beg to differ." Jack smiled amusingly at how Snake seemed frustrated.

Onyx rolled her eyes. Grabbing a piece of chalk she drew a summoning circle on the circle and drew out the correct ruins and candles. She spoke a Latin incantation. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to her. Even Diana poked her head around the corner to watch.

"Oh, shit." She breathed.

Jonathan scowled but continued to hold Snake in the air.

Jack took a quick glance and stuck his hands in his blue hoodie.

Mist fogged up the room. Soon after the smoke cleared leaving another figure in the already crowded room. "Hello," It said, smiling.

"Hello!" Shade smiled and disappeared into her backpack, after a few seconds, Shade came back as her original self and blinked both her eyes. "Oh, someone new!" Snake commented sarcastically

Jonathan chuckled, still holding Snake firmly in the air with telepathy. "Sup," Jonathan raised his eyebrows at the new entity that had come into the room.

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