Balloons are dangerous

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A/N: I'm back and as ready as I'll ever be to continue this T-T God I'm gonna die before this is finished.


".....What..?" Lavendyr whispered.

Meow muttered some swears again before saying, "I won't have any part in this."

"Oh please, we all know her mom is a pure, overprotective human." She said, looking around.

"If you were me right now you would probably be crying." she lied with a face that proved it.

"So do you want me to preform the spell, or what?" White asked, getting impatient.

"Lilith?" Jonathan perked up. Then he chuckled.

"What's so funny, Jon?"

"Shouldn't she be causing the third impact?" Bonaparte asked Jon. He pointed to Lilith.

".....Excuse me?" Lavendyr asked, confused as to what he meant.

"Oh right, none of you watched Evangelion, just forget what I said!" Bonaparte said to Lavendyr.


"Meh, she's my mother even if she doesn't know it," Jonathan shrugged.

Liam would notice that someone was clinging to his leg. It was July.

"Hi!" July greeted.

He stumbled back in surprise, "WHAT THE FUCK!" He cried, tripping over and landing on the ground.

"Hey, July," White said

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE, HELP ME UP!" Liam struggled in July's grasp. Jonathan grabbed July from behind and picked her up.

"Yay Jonathan! "July said.

"She's not biologically connected to you guys, but technically Lilith is your mother." Dawn leaned back in the chair. "Plus, I'll tell you who we're dealing with if it makes you happy." She said before the voice of Bubble echoed in the room.

"I think you know who she's talking about." Her voice said calmly as she stood in front of Dawn. "Fight me without the power, just to make it an even battle." Bubble told her.

"I think it would be interesting to see you fight with her powered up," Lavendyr said, smirking. Meow had looked up from her phone and had been watching Liam freak out about his sister. She had burst out laughing.

A ball of energy formed in Bubble's hand as it manifested into a sword, she appeared behind Dawn, slashing her. Dawn dodged the attack and started her chainsaw up, slicing off her arm. The arm dissolved into water as it formed back. "That's with her protection on; she can't be brought down with minor attacks."

"July! Sit and be a good girl!" Jonathan placed July on the ground, Liam cowering in a corner.

Meow continued to laugh.

"Liam! This really is so unlike you!" White exclaimed, mildly shocked. Despite this, she smiled. "Hey Meow, video this, would ya?"


Dameus crouched down next to Liam. "It's okay darling! July can't hurt you anymore!" Dameus attempted to comfort Liam.

"Aw cmon! You gotta admit this is funny!"

Liam sniffled and looked up then there was Lesha with tears in her eyes.

White then pinched the bridge of her nose. "Now is not the time for puppy dog eyes, Liam. You know that."

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