Falling out of trees, just the usual stuff

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Shade got down and went back inside. Jack sat on the roof, allowing her to stay inside.

"So anyways, what exactly are we doing in this cult?" Lavendyr asked.

"Well Jonathan summoned Alcor earlier," Diana replied, "so can't we get him back?"

"Ohh, yes please!" Lavendyr cried. "I really want to meet him! Maybe even make a deal!"

"No!" The goddess insisted sternly.

"Aww." Lav pouted.

"Well I'm going to figure out how to get the collar off!" Meow yanked at it with both hands.  It sparked again. "Ow ow ow... whoever's doing this is gonna pay." 

"You're a hacker, why can't you just trace the signal?" Diana asked.

"Maybe..." All of a sudden there was a small pink explosion infront of her, covering her face in pink ash. "What the..." She wiped the ash from her face only leaving small traces. "The signal is messing with my magic." She instead grabbed her phone out of her pocket and started typing. 

"Odd, your magic worked just before." Diana reminded.

"Yeah..." She didn't look up from her phone, the screen was full of different codes. "It seems the signal has gotten stronger since before. So who ever is controlling this thing is getting closer." 

"Good or bad?" Diana asked.

"You tell me, y'know the blonde dude who was here earlier. Well he's the one who did this to me." She pointed at her collar as she said the last part. 

"Cosimo?" Diana asked. "Yeah, that sounds like him."

Meow groaned, "Tabby, come. I need your help with something." Meow jumped out the window and Tabby followed her. Meow stood with Tabby parallel from her. Meow snapped her fingers and a pistol appeared in front of Tabby. "Shoot the collar," Tabby shook her head. 

"That's not going to work!" Diana called from inside.

"It's worth a try!" Meow called back. She looked at Tabby, "Don't worry, there's a forcefield protecting everywhere but the collar." Tabby still shook her head and meowed. "Fine," Meow walked forward and grabbed the gun, putting it to the collar. "I'll do it myself," before Tabby could stop her, she pulled the trigger.

Suddenly the gun was no longer in her hand and the bullet chimed on the ground. A long slender hand gripped around the barrell, holding the gun upside down. Liam lent across the wall, frowning at the weapon in his hand. "The only thing that will achieve is your death," 

"Told you!" 

"I knew what I was doing!" She glared at Liam.

 "Did you?" He raised his eyebrows. 

"Yes, I did." The gun disappeared from his hand.

 Liam rolled his eyes and swept his hand across his face, showing a golden eye hidden under his long bangs. If you looked closer you could see Roman numerals in a clock with two rotating hands. 

"Um dude, what's up with your eye?"

"Hmm, what's wrong with it?"

"Um, A clock for an eye isn't normal."

"Normal for me," Liam shrugged. 

"Look, I can take care of myself." She said going back to the main subject. Tabby had been looking at Liam, not staring just watching. "Can you?" Liam raised one eye brow. But no one noticed the wink he have Tabby.  

 "What, are your ears painted on? Yes, I can take care of myself." Meow said, annoyed. Tabby returned the wink which still no one noticed.

 "I'm sure," Liam sat in the window. He winked at Tabby again and motioned with his lips for her to follow him in a little while. Then he tipped out the window.

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