Chapter 3

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"Are, are you okay?" I ask him.

"I think I should be asking you that." He replies. Chas walks in at that moment.

"Oh good you've met each other. Being nice are you Aaron?" She asks him almost hesitantly.

"Your Aaron?"

"Yup, I'm Aaron. Who are you?"

"I'm Kylie." The conversation was small and awkward.

"Kylie will be staying with us for a while, she is Hayley's daughter. You remember  Hayley don't you?"

"Yeah, I remember Hayley." He says still looking at me questioningly.

"Okay, well I'm going to get back to work." Chas turns to leave and I see Aaron grab her arm as he closes the door leaving me alone in the lounge. I can't help but listen to their conversation.

"Have you seen her? She's covered in scars and bruises. How old is she?" He says.

"She's fifteen and I haven't seen them but I know about them. Aaron don't ask questions, it's not our place. She's very private and we need to respect that." Chas replies. "Do you understand?"

"Yeah." He sighs and then opens the door and comes back in before closing it again. "Want a brew?" He asks, while taking off his jacket revealing a scar on his arm. We both look at the scar before looking at each other.

"No thank you, I'm okay with water" I say going over to the kitchen and grabbing a cup before filling it up.

"So, why are you here? Getting away from a bad break up?"

"More like my mum told me I was coming here without consulting me first, she thinks I needed to get away from home to protect me." I say. I don't know where this is coming from, I'm usually shy and keep everything to myself, bottle it all up but I'm just talking. To anyone else I would have said something along the lines of I'm on a long holiday.

"To protect you, huh. Gonna tell me who from?"

"Nope." I say, popping the P. He nods once.

"Hey, Aaro -" Someone says before stopping. "Oh, hi. Who are you?" A man with dirty blonde hair asks.

"I'm Kylie, whats your name?" I ask back.

"I'm Robert." He says before turning back to Aaron. "Uh, I need you at the scrapyard." He leans in to Aaron about to kiss him and I look into my lap, I feel Aaron's eyes on me and sure enough when I look up he's looking at me and Robert turns to me as well before frowning at Aaron. "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Let's go." Aaron says bluntly.

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