Chapter 9

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @honey_mist_auburn for being an active reader and giving this story some love every week! Thank you!


In the next few days I enroll myself into the local school so that I can study for my GCSE's and take them before I have the baby. I concentrate on this, working at the pub, revising, secretly ordering baby things online and getting it sent to Chas' friends house and Aaron and I go on daily morning runs and nightly walks by the river. Some times we walk and run in silence and other times you can't stop us talking for the world. We are bestfriends.

"You'll be fine, just take a deep breath and go in there and ace this exam. You've been revising enough, in fact you haven't stopped, you know it all." Aaron assures me. I take a deep breath like he tells me and squeeze my eyes shut before looking at him again. "Good luck." He pulls me into a quick hug, where I can't help but sniff his magnificent smell and then all to quickly lets me go as I head towards the room where my first exam is about to take place.

I look back at him and he's standing next to Robert now, he smiles, gives a thumbs up and then he's out of sight.

I walk forward to my designated desk and take a seat. I concentrate on keeping my breathing steady and adjust my loose, floaty top that I'm wearing. I've had to ditch the cropped and tight fitting tops and replace them with loose ones to hide my bump as best as I can and I hate it. I miss my good figure and my v-line and abs. I miss my nice clothes.

The assistants walk up the aisles telling people to tie back there hair and show there pockets to check for anyone who's cheating. I do as I'm told and reveal my ears so they can see I have no headphones and do the rest. I can hear the clock ticking in the background of the deadly silence, if a pin dropped, we'd hear it. The papers are in front of us and the board at the front says the start and finish time.

"You may begin." The examiner calls before taking a seat at the long desk at the front and peering at us through his glasses. The room is filled with rustles as people open up the first page of the test and start. I follow everyone else and begin the exam nervously and slowly before finally being able to scribble answers down at an unstoppable rate.

I've done it. I have survived my first GCSE. And I think I did pretty well.

The next few weeks are filled with stress from me and support from everyone else. I've had to stop my morning runs because the bump is just too big and Aaron will notice something. I want to finish my exams and then tell him about the baby but until then it's still mine and Chas' secret.

Finally the day comes when my results are in. I'm stepping nervously from one foot to the other and twiddling my fingers with Chas behind me and Aaron laughing at my side. "Calm down, your putting me on edge."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous." I reply. "And it's not funny."

"It is a bit." He says still laughing.

"Shut up." I say joining in a little.

"Reddworn, Kylie." A lady reads and I step forward. She hands me an envelope. I take it back to Chas and Aaron.

"Are you going to open it or just stand and stare at it all day?" Aaron asks.

"I'm too nervous. My future depends on what's in here." I say, not strictly true my future is in my belly.

"Give it here I'll open it and tell you." He reaches his hand out and I pass the envelope to him. He opens it and then closes it again.

"Well? What did I get?"

Teenage PregnancyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt