Chapter 24

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"Gordon Livesy you are charged on this endagment on four accounts. On account one you are charged with rape, contrary one, paragraph one of the sexual offences act 1956 and the particulars of this offence..." I block out the lady talking.

I see Aaron cut his short nails into his hand, breaking the skin and drawing blood but before I can stop him Robert reaches over and stops him instead of me. I sit up straight and look straight ahead for the rest of the trial.

The trial ends quickly, with events of course. A coughing fit, fainting and of course the words, 'not guilty'.

He is let go with the same conditions as before.

"It will be okay." Robert whispers to Aaron while the others go mental.

Robert is really getting on my wick now. I stand up and I leave the court room, angrily. My high heels clatter on the tiles and then on the stone steps outside. I walk away from the trial, Robert and regretably Aaron, when he needs someone. Then again he has Robert doesn't he?

I see a young girl maybe about 13 or 14, her hair is long and thick and she looks nervous.

I wipe the hot tears from my face and sit on the steps and try to cool down. I stand up to leave so I can't get caught up by the others.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask the girl, she looks very on edge, almost angry.

"Fine thanks." She says rather rudely. "You?" She softens her voice.

"Alright I suppose," I say. She begins to walk away. "It's just my boyfriend." I add. She turns back to me.

"Who's your boyfriend?" She asks.

"Someone called Aaron, he's a bit older than me but I love him all the same, apart from there's this other guy. See, he used to be gay and this guy is interested in him and I'm pretty sure he's trying to steal Aaron off of me." I say in a rush.

"How old are you?" The girl asks.

"15." I tell her, "my names Kylie." I add.

The girl hesitates for a moment, "uh, um my names Chris..tie, yeah Christie. Would you like to get so,e hot chocolate with me?"

It's my turn to hesitate, "Yeah, yeah I would, thanks." We head into a local Starbucks, I order an Iced Caramel Macchiato.

"Did you just tell the man that your names Mick?" Christie asks me.

"Yes I did." Right on que the man behind the counter calls my order.

"Caramel Mac for Mick." He calls. Christie, who already has her drink almost slag it out laughing.

"That's good that is." She says. "Have you got any others?" She asks.

"How about Latte for Larry?" I say. She giggles.

"I have to try that some time." Christie states. "Your like, very close to my age." She suddenly blurts out.

"Yeah, there are other teenagers in the world Hun." I reply.

"I know, but Aaron's like nearly what 10 years older than you?"

"How would you know that?" I ask.

"I, uh, I saw you holding a mans hand going into court, I am assuming that's him?"

"You were stood outside there for a while then?" Is say. "Why?"

"I, i..."

"Who are you?" I ask. She grabs her bag and runs out the door as fast as she can. I sit there in astonishment wondering what just happened.

I make my way back to Emmerdale and pick up Lily before heading to the pub. I find Aaron rather distressed. "Are you okay?" I ask, I put Lil in her cot, sit on his lap and play with his hair. "I'm sorry I disappeared after, I needed some space and then I met this girl a year or so younger than me and she was acting really odd. Anyway, this is about you." I ramble.

"I'm fine." He says simply. I stop fiddling with his hair and swiftly climb off his lap, I'm so tired that I fall asleep right then and there, waking to Lily's cries through the night.

The next day Aaron drives to the scrapyard with me and Lils and as we approach I see the same girl from yesterday. "That's the girl. That's her." I tell Aaron.

"That's Liv, my sister." He replies.

We get out the car and I place Lily on my hip, "you told me your name was Christie."

"That's your own stupid fault for believing me. Oh and Aaron, she thinks your hooking up with Robert the one who cane round to ours the other day with you."

"You little ra..." I move towards her but Aaron outs his hand out stopping me.

"What you doing here?" He asks her.

"I saw my dad, and what you've done to him."

"What you were at court?"

"Outside, I watched him leave, while she was yapping on, thought she'd be more useful than she was. But he could hardly walk."

"He's faking it, and talk about Ky like that."

"He's got cancer and you wanna send him to prison?"

"No, look," he moves forward to hug her.

"Get off," he moves away from her. "Take it back, tell the police your dropping the case."

"I can't do that."

"Then your a liar, I hate ya." She says.

"Hang on, was that you that scratched that on my car?"

"Yeh, it's true, your sick and evil and everyone should know." She says, and walks away.

"Aaron I never said that you were sleeping with Robert, I just said that he was maybe trying to get you back. I shouldn't have spoken to her about it, I'm really sorry." I say jigging Lily on my hip.

"Whatever, it's fine." He says while running off after Liv.

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