Chapter 10

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"All F's. He says." Chas looks over his shoulder. She jokingly slaps his arm.

"Aaron don't be so horrible tell her what she got." She laughs.

"8 A's, 1 A*, 1 B and 1 C." A massive grin sets on not only my face but his face as well before I pull him in for a massive hug. He lifts me up and spins me around. "Congratulations."

"I think some celebrations are in order, don't you?" Chas says. "I'm taking you lot out for dinner."

"Great, I'll text Robert now." Aaron says, before walking off looking at his phone. Chas rolls her eyes and I thank her.

Chas takes me, Aaron, Robert and Gordon out to an Italian restaurant. I know Aaron doesn't want to be here with Gordon and that he's only sticking it out for me. "Well done, Kylie." Robert says.

"Thanks Robert."

"What do you think you want to do now?" Gordon asks. I try not to give him a death glare and just smile sweetly instead.

"Eventually I would like my own interior design business, but I doubt that will happen for a while." I reply.

"Why ever not? You can do anything if you put your mind to it." He says.

"One time I tried to turn invisible I spent hours trying my hardest, never happened. My mind was definitely at it. Besides money is and issue." I say.

"You could always try to get an investor," says Robert. "Like I did to the scrap yard. If you came up with some plans I'm sure I could find someone interested."

"Thank you, I'll definitely consider that but something tells me I'm going to be a bit to busy to have my own business right now." I reply. Aaron frowns at me.

"I'm just going to pop to the toilet." Chas says.

Gordon quickly jumps up behind her and says, "me too." He knows none of us at the table particularly like him and assumes it will be awkward if he stays.

"Aaron, you don't have to be here, if your uncomfortable being around him then I won't stop you from leaving." I tell him.

"I'm fine, honestly. Tonight it's about you." He says. I nod and smile at him. Once Chas and Gordon have returned, the food has arrived and the others are deep in convocation Aaron turns to me and whispers, "so what have you got planned that's going to be keeping you really busy?"

"Later, Aaron, not here, not now." I say.

"How about a walk down the river later?" He asks.

"Thought you were planning to stay with Robert tonight?"

"This sounds more interesting."

After dinner we head down to the path by the river and begin our normal walk. We stay silent for the first few minutes before Aaron becomes impatient and starts asking questions. "Gonna tell me what's going on?"

"Do I have to?"

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"You know I'd never judge you and it can't be worse than what's already happened, to both of us." He says assuringly,me reaches out and gently touches my arm before his hand slides down it and holds my hand. "You can tell me anything. We're best mates." He says. I squeeze his hand and make us come to a stop.

I turn and face him before hugging him, I put all my feeling into this one giant hug and tears begin to fall down my face. When I finally pull away he looks worried. He wipes away one of my tears with his thumb before speaking, "Kylie..."

"I'm pregnant."

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