Chapter 25

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The next few weeks fly by until the next trial, only, there have been a few hiccups involving Liv. She seems to be taking a while to decide who's side she's really on. It's the day of the trial and Aaron is really nervous. We walk out of the pub with Adam, and Victoria runs out behind us. "Aaron," she says, "you know I would come to court if you actually let me."

"Yeh, I know you would and so would half the village. That's why I text them and told them not to bother, instead of feeling like some freak show." Aaron replies.

"Yeh well I, sure her lady ship will be thrilled that your not abandoning the christening of the century." Adam says to Vic.

"At least your taking your bff, and not to mention your gf." Vic says, taking Adams arm and gesturing towards me. I smile at her. "Look after him." She adds to the both of us. After talking to Paddy for a few short, awkward moments, Robert turns up.

"You all set?" He asks Aaron, who is looking rather taken aback.

"Well yeah, but why are you here, did you not get my text?"

"To stay away? Yeah but I'm a witness." Robert replies.

"There not even gonna get round to you today, you'll just end up sitting in a room with Sandra and my mum."

"Sandra? Have you heard from her?" Robert asks.

"Sorry, love. Still getting her voice mail." Chas says, after being on her phone for a while. "Look we've been through this, if Sandra doesn't turn up, then Liv won't either and she can't sink your case." Oops did I forget to mention? That hiccup involves a recording of Robert and Aaron talking about Robert paying Ryan to give a statement to the police about Gordon raping him. "It could be a good thing." Chas adds.

"No it's not a good thing, she's just a scared kid missing with her useless mum." Aaron says.

"It's not the first time that Sandra has taken off with her. Liv will be alright." Chas replies.

"It's a big day, let me support you." Robert says.

"No I need to keep my head straight and if your there I can't." Aaron says, this rattles my cage slightly but I keep my cool, I signed up for this, I remind myself. We all walk away from Robert to Cain's car, and make our way to court. Aaron and Chas stay out in the hall while the rest of us take our seats. I can't sit still, I shake my knees and twiddle my fingers, until Aaron takes to the stand and I lean forward and take grip of the bar.

"The evidence we're about to see, is via pre-recorded interview. In which questions were put to Aaron Livesy by police officers. Once it has played the prosecution and the defence will be given the chance to put questions to the witness.

Next a recording of a broken Aaron's voice rings around the room, it makes the hair on the back of neck stand up. "My name is Aaron Livesy, and I'm here because when I was younger my dad repeatedly raped me." The recording ends and Aaron wipes a few tears away.

I so badly want to be here for Aaron, but I can't. It hurts too much. It reminds me of Cody and that night, that horrible, horrible night. I let out a small sob and cover my mouth quickly, tears pour down my face fast and I stand up and walk out when Aaron looks up at me.

I don't leave the building I just wait outside for Aaron. When he gets out I apologise and explain briefly about why I left  and he says he understands. I do the same thing for the next few days.

In the next trial, Liv sticks up for Aaron, which is a huge relief. I'm so happy for him, it's unreal. We are sat at the dinner table in the wool pack, and Chas hands Aaron a beer. He looks really good in his navy blue shirt, a single button undone at the top. I smile at his appearance, he's so perfect, I think to myself.

"Still can't believe it." Chas says. "What made her change her mind?"

"I don't know, you'll have to ask her." Aaron replies.

"Well, whatever it was, I could kiss her." Chas says, "final nail in his coffin if you ask me." She adds.

"Well let's not get ahead of ourselves, eh." Aaron says, with a small smirk. He turns to look at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't come in." I repeat, for the millionth time.

"So you've said, a lot. I don't mind honestly, I'm glad you still came though." He assures me, I lean in the kiss him and we kiss passionately for a while, even though Chas is there. Apparently some time in the kiss, while I seem to have moved onto Aaron's lap, Robert had entered.

"You alright?" He says.

"Yep, I will be when I've had this." Aaron raises his beer. "And a load more after that." Chas gets up and exits the room.

"Well I think it went well, and if they can't see he's lying after that."

"Thank you, for what you said in court, yesterday, and for being there today." Aaron says to him.

"I think that is Lily crying. I'll go see to her." I make up and quickly exit the room.

I go upstairs to find Lily fast asleep. How pathetic can I get? I gather myself together and slowly walk down the stairs, the door is slightly crooked fro, where I left it so I can see in the room but no one can see me.

"I won't let you down, whatever happens tomorrow." Robert says.

"Yeh I know." Aaron replies.

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