Chapter 16

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Thought I'd be kind and give you a second chapter today, however at the same time I'm horrible because I've left you with a cliffhanger, what's wrong with Kylie? Oops that's a bit of a spoiler for the rest of this chapter, as this authors note is at the start, oh well, hope you enjoy anyway.

I'm sitting on a bar stool behind the bar where Cain, Diane, Doug, Fin, Robert, Emma and James are talking about Chas' recent escapade.

She decided it would be a good idea to vandalise Gordon's car with the word paedo in spray paint and the vandalism seems to have ended up trending on Twitter.

Anyway the police just came round to speak to her about it as the description matches her perfectly and have taken her to the station.

"As if Chas would be down the police station helping out some child abuser." Says Doug. I just sit and listen to them.

"Ey, some would say there's no smoke without fire." Emma intrudes.

"Yeh and some of us flaming well wouldn't." Retorts Cain.

I look away trying to avoid being in the conversation because I know it would upset Aaron if he ever finds out. When I turn my head I catch a glimpse of something black behind the door leading out to the back.

I catch there eye, and I know who it is immediately.

"I don't believe a word of it. I don't care what accusations are being thrown at him," I see him come round the corner before anyone else does and before Diane finishes. "Aaron's father is not a paedophile." She concludes.

Robert and Cain see him next. They look both shocked and guilty.

"And who says he is?" Aaron asks. Everyone turns to look at him. Diane's mouth opens and closes in shock.

"There's been a bit of trouble for your dad and your mums at the police station doing what she can to help, so there's nothing you need to worry about." Diane explains.

Aaron looks around at everyone and lingers his eyes on me. I look down at my lap.

He walks into the back room, clearly annoyed at everything and everyone. I follow him and so does Robert, he tells Aaron what Chas did.

"She sprayed his car? Are you kidding me?" Aaron asks, angrily.

"Yesterday, yeh." Robert confirms. "Things got out of hand, that's why she's at the station now."

Aaron rolls his eyes and rubs his forehead with his hand and takes a deep breath.

"She's really stressed out." I add.

"Oh what and I'm not? What's she on? It's no wonder they couldn't look me in the eye." He says before Chas opens the door and enters.

I try not to show it but I'm hurt by how he spoke to me. I'm not normally this sensitive but everything's getting to me at the moment.

She smiles, relieved. "Aaron, your back." She says happily.

"What are you playing at?" Her smile fades slowly.

"I'm so sorry." Aaron shakes his head.

"Look nobody knows anything, not yet." Robert tries to console Aaron.

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, but quickly recover and don't show it.

"Oh come on even that lot in there can put two and two together, thanks to Banksy over here." Aaron replies. "You agreed to leave it to the police."

"And I will do from now on."

"You just can't stop yourself can ya." It wasn't a question.

"I have been going off my head here. If Robert hadn't of talked me down I probably would have done a lot worse than chucking a bit of paint around."

"Oh well that's alright then in it."

"Aaron c'mon she was in a real state." Robert tries to persuade him.

"Yeh and so am I because thanks to her everyone in that bars going to be working out what Gordon did to me. Lucky for you half of them think he's innocent."

Another shot of pain flies through me and I can't help but gasp a little. Aaron looks at me worriedly. "I'm fine. Just cramps you know." I assure him.

It's definitely not cramps.

"Your going to go back through there and tell them that's exactly what he is."

"I can't do that." Chas says.

"Do it, or I walk and I don't come back." I'm so focuses on not showing the pain I'm in I don't hear Aaron's words and I don't see them leave the room.

I hear the conversation in the bar though.

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