Chapter 15

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Thank you for all the votes and lovely comments I have been getting about this book, it feels wonderful to get support and praise as an aspiring writer and I want you to know that it is noticed and appreciated.


I hear slow footsteps coming up the stairs and I quietly make my way back into Aaron's room before he enters, crying. He looks up at me. "Sorry I forgot you were in here." He says.

"No, no it's fine." I move across the bed making space for him him to sit down. He stretches his leg out on the bed and lies back onto the pillow, I follow his lead and do the same but put my head on his shoulder, he wraps his arm around me and I take his other hand in my own.

"How much of that did you hear?" He whispers.

"A bit." I whisper back.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have heard me be like that. You've been so strong and have been through so much, you don't need to hear me complain about something that happened years ago."

"Shh, don't be silly. This is something that will never leave either of us and we're both bound to get upset about it sometimes." I reply. "I'm proud of you." I tell him. "For telling your mum, that's one of the hardest things you'll ever have to tell her. She seems to have accepted it a lot better than mine did." He both sit in silence for a while.

We take turns in tracing circles on each other's hands. "Thank you." He says.

"What for?"

"For being there for me when you've got a baby and a load of other things to think about." I prop myself up on my elbow and look at him. His eyes look into mine.

"I'll always be there for you when you need me." I tell him. He caresses my face with his hand.

"Same, but for you." He kisses me gently. We lay back into our original position and I nestle into his neck before falling asleep in his arms, slightly awkwardly because of my swollen belly.

I wake up in the morning still nuzzled into him, this is a shock because I expected him to have left. He's just staring up at the ceiling. I place my small hand on his top, "did you get any sleep." He gives a small nod.

"I got a few hours." He replies simply. "I've got a few things to do today, your alright alone for a while, right?"

"Yeah course I am." I tell him. He gets up and grabs some things before getting ready in the bathroom, I do the same but stay in his room. He comes and kisses me before going downstairs to leave.

The next few days are a blur and I hardly see Aaron at all. Chas tells me things in a nutshell to try and protect me. Cain, Chas' brother, tried to kill Gordon, Aaron went to the police, Gordon told the police about Cain, Chas and Moira, Cain's wife, give him an alibi, Aaron's gone away for a while. He's gone, I'm alone and pregnant.

"Aaron told me." Chas states. I look at her blankly until I realise what she's talking about.

"Oh right." Is all I can manage to say.

"He told me when we went on the picnic. I love Aaron and he's kind and honest and I don't want to put you off but he's gay. He's gay and that won't change, you need someone fully committed and ready for a child." She says.

"Aaron and I talked about this. I understand and he promised to talk to me about things and we'll get through them together or if necessary we'll have to, we'll have to split up."

"You love him." Its not a question, she knows. "I don't want you to get hurt." I shrug my shoulders.

"We've been through the same thing." She doesn't press the subject and I spend the next two weeks shut away alone or helping Chas find evidence against Gordon, Aaron's rapist dad.

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