Chapter 19

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I have completed writing this story today, and I cannot wait to upload it all so I am going to upload all of the remaining chapters tonight. As you can tell, I am NOT patient! Thank you for reading.

We spend our night sleepless, we are both up and down checking her, feeding her, comforting her and changing her. Both of us can also hardly sleep because we are scared that she will stop breathing for some reason.

At five in the morning Lily starts crying again and so I decide to take her downstairs to settle her so Aaron can have a lie in, he's been so stressed and I've made it worse so I feel I owe it to him.

I feed her and cuddle her until I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Ooh look who it is, look Lil it's daddy." He groans and mumbles something about being tired. "Yeh you'll have to get used to that Aaron." I say.

"Well, how are my two princesses?" He asks,missing my head and then Lily's.

"We're pretty good aren't we sweetheart." I reply smiling down at my baby.

"Alright love? Can you come down to the shop with me?" Chas says to Aaron. Aaron glares at her like she's stupid. "Oh please."

Aaron sighs and mumbles a yes before getting up and leaving with her.

I go back upstairs and get into the shower with Lily and then change her into a clean tiny, cute baby grow before getting changed and applying fresh makeup on myself.

I go downstairs and after watching CBeebies for a while, which I'm not going to lie can be quite entertaining, decide to go for a walk. So I gently put on Lil's coat and put her into her pushchair before putting on my boots and heading out.

It may sound odd but the click of my high heel is quite relaxing as I walk down the road with the breeze making my hair fly around. I head across the bridge by the river and down a lane surrounded by trees.

Suddenly a pair of hands grab me a slam me against a tree. "Oh look, she is one beautiful child."

"Don't touch her." I manage to gasp out even though Cody is blocking my air pipes right now.

"Oh don't fret, we'll only go for a small walk." Black dots are covering my vision, and he lets go before quickly wheeling Lily away from me. I reach out my hand trying to grab him or the buggy.

"Lily." I shout, croakily.

I get up and stagger after my daughter, reaching for my phone. I click Aaron's number and it rings and rings and rings. No reply. I hang up and continue following them, trying to catch up.

He stops on a small wooden bridge and gets her out, to hold her. Luckily this morning I forgot to wind her and she throws up baby milk all over him. He almost drops her but I get to her just in time.

"Who calls a kid Lily? It's a joke." He states. "I'll be taking custody of her." He tells me.

"Pfft as if court would give you my baby, she has loving mum and dad here in the village she doesn't need you."

"Who's her dad then, because I'm pretty sure it's me." He says.

"Aaron's adopted her. So you have no rights at all." I inform him.

"You can't do this."

"I can and I did." A wave f confidence hits me, confidence I never had around him but I do now.

He gives me a death glare before stalking off. I enter the cafe and order a coffee before taking a seat in the corner and taking a deep breath.

My neck is killing me and I won't be surprised if there's a purple hand print there later, I'll have to hide from Aaron, he doesn't need to know about today. No one does. Just Lily and I.

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