Chapter 20

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Aaron didn't arrive home until late last night and he could hardly look at me in the eye. He spent most of the night shuffling around downstairs and only came up to get changed and go to the toilet.

I'm sat on the couch when Chas comes down and starts talking to Aaron who is facing the kitchen counter and won't look at me.

"Hey." She clears her throat. "Heard you moving around last night, couldn't you sleep?"

"What you keeping tabs?" He asks.

"Keeping watch." Chas corrects. Aaron rolls his eyes, "are you okay? Is this because of me because of everyone knows know?"

"No." He shakes his head. "I went to see Sandra, Robert found her address."

"You've seen her? Well will she help you?" Asks Chas.

"She knows but she denied it."

"She knew back then, right you take me to her." Chas demands.

"If your talking about Sandra the police said stay away, I went to see them this morning and gave them her address." Robert, who just entered, says.

"Well why when I told you not to?" Aaron says getting clearly irritated. "She's sticking by Gordon, you even heard her."

I stand up and leave the convosation by going upstairs, Lily won't understand but she doesn't need to listen to them shouting at each other.

Aaron lowers his voice for the rest of their 'talk'. Which is very short lasting.

Later on in the day the police come round to talk to Aaron. "I'm sorry," DC Wyatt says.

"Sorry about what?" Cain asks entering,

"Aaron found Sandra." Chas informs Cain. "Spoke to her, she knew all about Gordon but she's lying."

"Look we've got no evidence to prove that she's lying but she's denying all knowledge, although she has made it clear that she's not going to be a witness for Gordon either." Wyatt states.

"Oh well that's something." Chas replies.

"Yeh well she's not going to help me is she, so Gordon wins again?" Aaron says.

"We'll keep trying, we'll do everything we can." Aaron stands up and walks out. DC Wyatt begins to talk again but I pass Lily over to Chas and chase after Aaron.

"Talk to me." I say, chasing after him.

"What is there to talk about?" He says.

"Sandra?" I suggest. He shrugs his shoulders as he stops and parks himself on a bench and I follow his actions.

"I went to see her." He says so simply.

"I can tell that's not all."

"I met my little sister, Liv." I nod, encouraging him. "What do you want me to say?" He bursts out shouting at me. He can be very scary when he wants. I'm almost quivering and I get a few flashbacks of Cody screaming at me and then hitting me.

I almost half expect a slap from him now. It doesn't come of course. He recoils and goes quiet. I can tell this is a lost discussion and it's going no where so I stand up and walk away from him wiping the single tear, that rolls alone, from my face.

He returns to the woolpack later on and as I'm coming down the stairs to try and talk to him I hear that he's not alone. "Are you sure?" DC Wyatt asks him. He nods.

"Yeh I wanna drop the case." What? He what? "I'm sorry, I've just, I've just had enough." He says, he sounds so tired and I so desperately want a hug, and cry in his arms.

"Someone's just come forward, a complainer." Cain and Aaron look at each other confusedly.

"A victim?" Aaron asks.

"Well we haven't interviewed them yet but it seems they support what you've been saying."

"Meaning?" Cain asks.

"This could be it, enough for the cps to charge Gordon but you have got to be willing to carry on." Aaron has his hand over his mouth and is almost in tears.

"You don't have to do anything." Cain says and when he looks at me I nod at him encouragingly.

"If you need time to think."

"So he abused this person as well?" Aaron asks. "Well I need to support them then, I can't let them down." He states.

"This could be a real breakthrough, Aaron."

"Who is it?" He asks, I know he's worrying about his sister.

"Well we can't disclose their identity yet."

"Just tell me it wasn't my sister, Liv, I left a seven year old girl alone in that house tell me I didn't do that to her."

"Aaron," I begin.

"Look I can't say much but, it's a male, and there's nothing you could have done to prevent them being a victim." DC Wyatt assures him. He nods and then leaves.

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