Chapter 23

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Today we are going to face Gordon in court.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and Australia my top before taking Lily and her baby bag to make my way downstairs. I place her in her pushchair and make sure I have the piece of paper with instructions to give to Carly along with everything she might possibly need. Basically I give her a lot of stuff.

"Thank you so much for looking after her today." I say to Carly.

"No worries." She takes hold of the handles and pushes Lily to the door before turning back to face me, "I hope it goes well today." She gives an encouraging smile and walks out.

Aaron and Chas went out earlier and before they arrive back again, a few supporters come in. Including Marlon, Belle, Lisa, Moira and Charity. Yes Charity, who is trying to get the money to buy Diane out of the pub.

Aaron walks through the door and looks shocked to have people here.

"What's this?" He asks.

"What you really thought you were doing this alone?" Chas says, entering just after him.

"We know how hard this is for you, love. So those of us who can are coming with you." Lisa tells him.

"We're sending Gordon a message, the only liar is him." Belle adds.

"Well thanks." Aaron says.

"Ohh come here." Marlon out stretches his arms, goofily and Aaron frowns at him. "No, maybe not." Marlon puts his arms down awkwardly, that man I think to myself.

Charity gets up, "Well I'm having one, come here." She says and embraces him, "Listen, he'll get exactly what he deserves, alright?"

"I'm sorry I can't be there today, but I'll be here when you get back." Moira pipes up.

"Don't suppose anyone's seen Robert on their travels?" Chas asks.

"Why would they? I told him not to come?" Aaron asks.

"Well we've got a few minutes." Chas replies.

"No we haven't." Aaron says bluntly.

"Just thought he might have had a change of heart."

"Well he won't so come on let's just get this over with." Aaron turns to walk out and everyone follows.

I reach for his arm. "What happened earlier?" I ask him.

"Gordon vandalised my car." He tells me. I look at him, shocked. "He scratched the word liar on it."


"It's sorted don't worry about it."

We spend the journey to court silent but he holds my hand and gently rub his arm. When we walk into the court room Chas says, "okay, I made sure I told the police about everything that happened last night. Gordon doesn't stand a chance."

"Cain just text me he has got caught up at the garage, he says he'll be along as soon as he can." Lisa tells us.

"Oh it's fine hopefully this will be done and dusted by the time he gets here anyway." Chas replies.

The door opens again, and we look up to see Robert walk through. "Room for one more?" He asks.

"Your cutting it a bit fine aren't ya." Belle retorts from behind me as Robert takes a seat on the other side of Aaron.

"Well you know me, always like to make an entrance." His sassiness is beginning to irritate me, a lot.

"Thought I told you not to come." Aaron says to him quietly.

"And since when did I ever listen to anything you say?" Robert replies. Before Aaron can reply the plea hearing begins.

"The court calls Gordon Livesy." A lady says.

Chas breaths heavily. Gordon walks into the room, unshaven, unclean, and apparently unable to walk without the assistance of a stick.

"What is he doing?" I whisper to my self more than to someone else. He staggers into the stand and Lisa voices what I said, but louder.

"No." Chas says. "No, he can't do that."

He looks vulnerable and the judge gives him a sympathetic look, along with a disapproving one in our general direction.

"What is he playing at?" Belle says.

"Amateur dramatics by the looks of it." Lisa replies.

I link my arm in Aaron's and give him a comforting squeeze before whispering I love you in his ear.

"My client would like to apologise for his appearance he has recently recovered from cancer but is still suffering from the side affects of his chemo therapy treatment." Gordon's lawyer speaks.

"Is that true?" Belle asks.

"Course it isn't, he's playing for the sympathy vote." Chas replies, forcefully.

"Mr Livesy, would you find it easier to sit?" The judge asks.

"Thank you, your honour." Gordon replies.

"Don't tell me your falling for this, there's nothing wrong with him." Chas shouts.

"Mum." Aaron whispers, even though he knows she's right.

"The members of the gallery will refrain from shouting, or be removed." The judge retorts.

"Don't worry love they'll se right through it." Lisa consoles Chas.

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