Chapter 14

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Hey! whoa! The chapters are flying by now ;) I had to double check we were on chapter 14! :) Long one :)

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Peace. :D <3

Lily's P.O.V

I finally got up, after tossing and turning since about 3 am. I couldn't stop yawning and yet, when I go to bed, I can't sleep, not even going onto my window ledge helped. I had listened to my iPod, so much that it had lost charge. I finally gave up trying to sleep, figuring that this afternoon, my body would probably collapse.

I was planning on just having a free day to, and I couldn't text Pete to come over, because he was away on work, and you know, it was only 6:30 am, so I'd probably get a very sarcastic reply, or not one at all. I decided that I'd go to the park, it would be empty at this time and I could clear my head. I grabbed my coat and set off, taking the public footpaths.

I sat on top of the slide, but didn't go down, I just sat there, listening to the birds sing. It was a beautiful morning, and I just knew it was going to be HOT! This brought a msmile to my face, we'd had really bad weather recently, so for the sun to be out would be lovely. I hoped I wouldn't see Olly today and that he'd finally understand what I was trying to say and leave me alone, or better yet, go back to where he'd came from.

I didn't want to sound mean, but it was easier, to give him the cold shoulder, than it would be to forgive him. I just couldn't take it when he was around, I could just imagine him writing that note, setting those bins on fire, and then him leaving to his real parents. I sighed, and hugged my legs, chin resting on my knees.

"Lily Adams?" A voice asked me. It sounded familiar, yet I couldn't place it. Not turning around I said "Who's it to? And make it short." I wasn't in the mood to be disturbed, I had come here for some peace and quiet.

"Keiran Slate. That's who." He said his voice full of ice. I shuddered and slowly turned around.

"Well, like I said, make it short." I spat.

"Always were feisty weren't you?" he muttered. He was wearing torn jeans and short sleeved T-Shirt, showing his tanned arms, full of scars. He had a skull and cross bones on his bicep underneath it read "Death."   He was the sort of guy I'd cross the road just to avoid.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment, Keiran? Because, I'd much rather, something like, um I don't know beautiful maybe? Well, you probably don't get much attention in the female area do you?" I growled. He smiled, seeming pleased with my answer.

"Now if you don't mind I need to be somewhere." I said.

"Is that somewhere, where Olly is?" He asked, I sighed.

"If your trying, to surprise me by saying Olly's here, I already know." I stood up, brushed down my joggers I climbed down the stairs, where Keiran was sat, and walked down the one he was on, by climbing over his arms.

He grabbed my left leg, as I tryed to get past him, I fell foward, only to have a hand catch me, so I wouldn't land on my face. He stood up took both of my hand, in his big hand and dragged me towards the park exit.

"What are you gonna do huh? You want me to be scared do you, well you don't scare me." I spat (quite literally) He tightened his grip on me and chuckled.

"You do think your quite the badass, don't you Keiran? Well reality check, your not a hero, your not even scary, your just a loser, who has nothing better to do with his time than pick on innocent ladies. Has this made your day now Keiran, do you feel big? Do you feel pleased? Do you even feel anything? Or are you as heartless as you look? What changed Keiran? You weren't always this bad, before your "gang" you used to be a great guy. Now you. . . you. . . you aren't anything Keiran, nothing but an idiotic person, with a tattoo on his arm. Which is frankly, more scary than you are." I snarled struggling against his grip.

"Well, I must say that was quite a speech, you just made."

"What do you want from me now? It's been years since we've talked and now you're grabbing me and taking me out of the park." I wouldn't let on but I was actually getting quite scared now.

"Oh shut up! Stop blabbering on, this is being wasted on me. Don't even bother anymore Lily, and lets say after Josh's little run in with Olly, your lucky I was the one that found you first."

"Anything Olly does is nothing to do with me, I wouldn't care if I don't see him again for another 4 years and that goes for you too."

"Aww bless, did you have a little fallings out?" He said sarcastically

"Let me go Keiran for Gods sake, stop being an asshole and let me go. You've had your fun, but what are you going to do kidnap me?" This is what I feared but I didn't let on.

"You really, don't think much of me do you?"

"No." I snapped

We walked down a little alley and I stood still, refusing to move. He tugged on me and pushed me forward, but I didn't budge, I stood there and stared at him, he wouldn't have it that easy.

"Fine." He said and picked me up and swung me over his shoulder. I pucnhed his back harder and harder.

"Now you want letting down! FOR GOD SAKE!"  He yelled. I flinched and walked.

Nothing was working, time to turn on the water works.

Tears started to fall down my cheeks and I let out loud sobs. Keiran looked so frustrated, that I thought he might explode.

"SHUT UP." He snapped, and I sobbed even louder.

"W. . . Why m. . .me? What d. . .d . . .did I do?" I cried.

"Right we're here now, so shut up ok? I'll let you go if you be quiet and just listen."

I wiped the tears away and smiled. "Ok." I said happily.

He gave me an evil look. I smiled, feeling proud, I had annoyed him.

"Just tell Olly, to be warned." Was that it?

"I will do if I see him then Keirry!" Maybe happiness would work?  "Bye, have a nice life." I said and walked forward.

"Not so fast. "If I see him" is not good enough. You can either give it to him, or I will." He said and tried to crack his knuckles. I laughed at his attempt.

"Do you want to do this?" And I did it, making loud cracking noises. "Oh and I will do don't you worry. Chin up Keiran!" And with that I ran out, I took a sharp left and then another one, before coming to my door, shivering.

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