Life is Hard

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   You fall onto your bed and let the tears freely fall from your face.Your boyfriend got beat up in front of everyone and you couldn't stop it. Your parents had just been rushed to the hospital earlier today and both died of some sickness. Your dog, Teddy, trots in and licks the tears off your face.

"Thanks Ted." you whisper. He barks a small bark and curls up next to your bed.

"If only none of this had happened. I- I just want a happy life, Ted. I want to become something more than just-just a normal heartbroken girl. I would love to be a hero. Or working with someone who is a hero." you say, stroking his golden fur.

   As you sit up on your bet, you turn on the TV. It so happens that the Winter Soldier was on, so you flipped it to that channel and watched 'till the end.

Time skip (after watching many other movies) ----------------------------------------

Suddenly, you start to feel light headed. The world is spinning around you. You hear Teddy's alarming bark, then the world becomes dark.




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