Take Me Away

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Dear Bucky,

   Thank you. That's all I can say. You changed my life. You helped me through something I would have never lived through. I don't care if it was all a dream, a hallucination, an image in my head. You still changed me. I sound crazy to everyone else saying that a fictional character changed me but really it was everything to me. YOU were everything to me. You saved me. 

Thank you

  You finished the letter and smiled to yourself. The doctor came in and sat in the old brown chair next to the hospital bed. He had a somber look on his face. The rusted clipboard creaked in his hands. He sighed as you looked up at him.

"How was Bucky today, y/n?" He asked looking at your letter. You giggle and hand him the letter. "I miss him very much but, I have a feeling he'll come back for me." You said looking up at the ceiling. The doctor writes something down and looks at you. "I'm sorry, y/n, but Bucky isn't real. He's a fictional character. How many times do I have to tell you that?" He say's annoyed and tired. You growl. "He is real I'm telling you! I saw him with my own eyes!!" You scream, standing up on the bed. The doctor looked terrified now. "C-Calm d-down, y/n." He says shakily. You don't listen. You were done with this stupid place and this stupid world. Depressed, tired, and angry, you run out of the room frantically looking for the closest exit. "HEY! COME BACK!" yells the doctor. "GET HER!" Without looking behind you, you run to the door until someone grabbed you from behind and pulled you into a dark room. Breathing hard, you dropped to the floor and tried to catch your breath. Someone touched your shoulder and you squeaked. "Shhhhh" Come a deep voice. "It's me, Bucky. You're safe now." Your eyes adjust and you saw him. Tears welling in your eyes, you wrap him in a bear hug, only to fall onto the cold hard floor. You look at him. He sighs and helps you up. "B-Bucky?" You whisper. He shakes his head. "I'm so sorry.." He disappears as security and doctors burst into the room. "Stay down!" They command. Whimpering, you curl up in a ball and wait for them to take you back to reality.

When I met you (Bucky x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora