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   "How did you get her, young lady? And get your dog OFF OF ME!!!!!"

You open your eyes to see what was going on. Your head was still spinning, but not too much. You took around and find your dog attacking.....Nick Fury?!?!?!?! You stand up quickly and pull Teddy off the man.

"I'm so sorry, sir! I- i don't know how I even got here!I was just in my-"

He cut you off

"Tell me your name. I don't need an explanation."

"Y/n, sir."

"Nick Fury. Pleased to meet you." He holds out his hand. You shake it. (yes, I need the small details.)

"So, since you don't know how you and your dog got here, I guess I'll let you go. Just, don't come back." he says, in his seriously dangerous voice.

"But sir-"

"I said GO! No more warnings or I'll kick you out myself!" He spat. Knowing how strong he really is, you back away with Teddy against your chest.

"Sir, she's got no place to stay. If you won't except her, then I surely will." comes a voice from around the corner in the shadows. It was the one and only, Captain America.

"Fine. I'm very sorry, Y/n.try to prove my thoughts wrong and don't harm us. Cap, take her."

Steve goes over to you and grins.

"Hey, want to come into my room? You'll get to meet my other friends. Oh, by the way my name is-"

"Steve" you blurt out. He looks at you surprised. You shake your head.

"I'm sorry. I'm not from around here but I know everyone. I just watched the Winter Soldier last night. And I've also watched Avengers and that kinds of stuff." You say like a total fan girl. He smiles.

"Come with me then, if you want to meet all of us. I also have something special for you, too."

You nod your head and put Teddy down.

"You be a good boy and follow me. These are the Avengers, Ted. They're safe."You looks at you for a moment, then seem to nod his head in a way. Staying right next to you, the three of you go to Steve's room.

When I met you (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now