Chapter 6

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"Yo-ho, beauty, the name be Blagden," greeted a rather older-looking, skinny man with graying hair.

"Jagger." Another muscled pirate, one with a very deep voice and dark hair, and a nasty scar on his nose. He looked tough.

"The name be Wyck." An average-looking man — except for the pink bandana around his head — raised his arm...that had no hand. Just a hook. How does he put the bandanna on with a hook? And why was that the first thing you thought of?

"Hi..." you said quietly.

Blagden, finding an inspirational thought, smiled. "She be more shy than Wyck's mama." Blagden muttered, the comment, sounding misplaced, was directed to rile someone else. He had been saving that one, waiting a while to use it.

Wyck immediately turned purple in the face, and hissed, "Don't you be talkin' about my mama like that!"

"Note, Anika," Jagger said. "There be more fire in a dead fish than in Wyck."

"You vise, but no more sight than a dead puppy," Wyck retorted.

"Belay that gruff?!"

"Arrr, what you be callin' that thing around your head? What color it be?" Jagger taunted.

"It be pale red, it be manly!" Wyck defended himself.

"Manly be as your mama."

"Belay that gruff a' my mama! And I be not a fireless fish!"

"When ya mother be involved, you a'be meat for the sharks," Jagger teased.

"Yarrr, Jagger, Wyck, bones is what you'll be, you're putting a bad impression on Anika!" Knoll interjected.

You looked like you pretty much wanted to curl up in the corner and die.

"So you squires be gettin' some salty conversation topics besides Wyck's mom?" Knoll asked his crewmates.

"You never even be meetin' my mother!" Wyck snapped. "Not funny, it be!"

"Funny, I think it be," Blagden snickered.

"Lads, we be past that. Tellin' Anika where you be from, anybody wanta be?" Knoll asked.


"Alright, I guess I a'be going first," Knoll shrugged. "I bin 'ere for three years, and be one of the first ones hired by the Cap'n. I be from Tristram."

You tensed at hearing the name Tristram. That was the country that belonged to that idiot of a prince you were supposed to marry. His name was Gaspar. Prince Gaspar of Tristram. The dude nailed the triad of 'ew no thanks' by being; dumb, ugly, and a complete ass.

"I be just a pickup from Pirate's Bay. Bin 'ere a year," Blagden said.

"I be owed the Captain a favor two years ago, so I a'joined the Scurvy Raider," Jagger said.

"The...Scurvy Raider?" you asked tentatively.

"That be the name of the ship," Blagden said. "Ay, Wyck, where you be from?"

He didn't answer, frowning, grumbling, and poking at his food.

"Harrr, now he be all mad. Ah well. Where you be from, Anika?"

"Uh..." You didn't think it would be a very good idea for you to say. At all. "Tristram," you said immediately, it being the first thing that popped in your head.

"Huh, you don't be soundin' or lookin' like it. Well, where the Cap'n's from, that be, and he don't be soundin' like it either." Knoll shrugged. "A lot of us be from there. Many great salty sea-dogs be a'comin' out of Tristram!"

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