Chapter 7: A Royal Witch

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//A few years laters..//

Job Paths:
Lu: Noblesse
Ciel: Royal Guard
Aisha: Dimension Witch

((Lu's POV))

I woke up fairly late as the previous night, we had beat Scar. I smiled and stretched out of bed, but as soon as I walked into the hall, I ran into Aisha. We laughed slightly. During our travels, Ciel and I had met "The Elgang." They were an interesting bunch. One was a green haired elf, with whom a black haired mercenary was obviously infatuated with, even if he didn't show it. Another were a set of red haired siblings who could wield fire. There was the Queen of the Nasods and an insane scientist who was obsessed with her, along with the prince of Hamel and a clumsy girl who had a demon fox inside her. Then there was a purple haired magician who was in a similar situation as me. Her name was Aisha.

I had taken quite a liking to her and got to know her. We had became great friends. So after Scar was beat, she had no where to go, and I let her stay with us. That brings me back to the present.

"Good morning Lu! Have you seen Ciel at all?" She inquired. I shook my head.

"No. I just got up. I'm not sure where he could be either." I said, halfway lying. I had a pretty good idea, but he didn't know that I knew. Aisha frowned for half a second before nodding.

"Okay, thank you anyway." Aisha said before walking off. I watched her for a bit before running off to the backyard. I started walking away from the house. After about ten minutes, I reached the beginnings of some woods, full of the sounds of delighted phorus. I giggled. I knew it. He was playing with phorus again.

((Aisha's POV))

Where could he have gone off to? He often did this, but he had never been gone for this long before. I sighed slightly before smiling.

"Today is the day you'll see me in a new way!" I told myself. Ciel and I had met a few years ago. I couldn't lie, Ciel was pretty attractive. He was also kind and caring, despite being a little harsh sometimes. He was perfect for me. I smiled and went to the kitchen, making some cookies the way he had taught me a while back when I had asked.  I smiled at the fond memory and pushed part of my bangs out of my eyes before starting to grab a mixing bowl. 

((Lu's POV))

I followed the sound of phorus to a small clearing. As I peered through the leaves, I saw Ciel smiling and feeding a few of them seeds. After they were all fed, he sat down cross legged and reached out to pet a few. They joyfully ran up underneath his hand, causing him to laugh slightly.

I smiled before turning around to see a few phorus behind me. They squeaked at me a bit, and I quietly shushed them. It was too late though, as Ciel had heard them. They squeaked loudly and then ran past me, although a few got behind me started pushing. I guess the sudden movement had thrown me off balance, and I fell flat on my back. A split second later, Ciel was on top off me, his gunblade against my neck. I laughed nervously.

""H-hi Ciel..."

"Lu? What are you doing out here alone?" He said, blinking in confusion as he got off of me.

"Aisha wanted to know where you were." I sat up and brushed a few leaves out of my hair.

"That doesn't explain why you're out here...." He sat down next to me and helped get the rest out. As he did so, a few of the phorus ran up to us.

"Sure it does. I was looking for you. And yes, I'm well aware of what you do in your free time." I said, crossing my arms. He looked down.

"Guess I have to stop visiting them then?" He sighed said sadly. I uncrossed my arms, and looked at him.

"Of course not. I wouldn't do that. You love seeing them, and, while I might have despised them at first, they're actually quite cute." He smiled at me, and I smiled back. This..... This is something new to me.... In all my years, I had never felt anything like this.... What was this feeling? I... I never wanted him to leave me side.

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