Chapter 11: Why....

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((Noblesse's POV))

I really hated Luciela at that moment. The next thing I knew, I was getting my pajamas on and making sure that Luciela and her fiancé were comfortable with staying in my room. Luciela gave me a slight wink as I left, and glared at her before leaving the room, earning a giggle from her.

I sighed and leaned against my door, staring into Ciel's room. He hadn't closed it, meaning he probably wasn't in there. I groaned slightly and stood up straight, walking across the hall, mumbling how I hated Luciela at that point. I walked in and jumped on Ciel's bed, laying down because this day had been exhausting.

"Lu? You realize that I just started getting dressed, right?" I heard Ciel's voice. I turned towards his voice and saw him by the closet with his shirt off. I jumped and ended up falling off bed, grabbing the blanket and pulling it down with me. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head.

"This day has just been the worst." I complained into the blanket. I heard a slight chuckle and then footsteps coming towards me. Soon, I completely freaked out, as I felt myself being lifted up, finding myself holding onto whatever was picking me up. I heard Ciel's chuckle again and then he moved the blanket off my head. I huffed and let him go, feeling my face becoming really warm. Surely, my face was a bright red as well. He placed me on his bed and went around the other side to lay down.

"Good night Lu." I heard him say. I mumbled a good night to him as I buried my face in the pillow. When I was half asleep, I felt an arm around me. I turned slightly to see Ciel asleep. I smiled and sighed slightly and went to sleep myself.

I was in a lavish bedroom. Looking around, I could see that I was in a bed towards the back of the room. To the right and left were two ebony nightstands. The door opened and someone walked in. I jumped slightly at the sound and turned to look at the person who had walked through the door. It was a girl with long light blue hair, swaying just past her waist. Her ice blue eye watched me carefully as she folded her pale hands in front of her.

"Good morning Lady Luciela."

"Oh... Good morning...."

I awoke with a slight fright, sitting up fairly quickly. I looked around my surroundings, trying to catch the breath I didn't know I had lost. Soon, I felt an arm wrap around me. I hugged it out of instinct and soon I could feel that I was in a warm embrace, with someone stroking my hair and singing a slight lullaby. I calmed down, waking up a bit more before I recognized the voice. Almost immediately, I could feel my face warming up.

"Uh... S-sorry if I woke you up Ciel. You can go back to bed."

"Nah, I couldn't go back to sleep even if I really wanted to. Plus, as your servant, your well-being comes before mine." He said softly. I sighed and shook my head.

"Fine. I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep anyways." I sighed and tried to get up. Instead, I found myself being pulled back down to lay down next to Ciel, unable to really move.

"Well, that's fine with me, but it's too early to actually get up." He said with a slight yawn. I huffed slightly, but settled against him anyways. Soon, I found that I fell asleep again, this time, rather soundly.

The next time I woke up, it was morning and someone was shaking me awake before they finally pulled me out of bed.

"Luciela R. Sourcream!! Get up now!!!" I heard a female voice yelling at me. I groaned and looked at the culprit. Surprise, surprise, it was Luciela, who had her arms crossed and her weight shifted to her left.

"I'm up.... I'm up...." I yawned as I stood up and headed to my room to get some clothes, stopping right in Ciel's doorframe.

"It's safe to go into my room, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing... Nothing..." I hurried to my room and closed the door, getting my normal blue dress on. After putting my hair into the two low ponytails I normally kept it in, I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Lu. We were just finishing up breakfast and discussing plans for today." This timeline's Ciel with a smile to me. I smiled and nodded back. I sat down next to Luciela, and she passed me an envelope.

"When ever you feel ready, you should give it to him." She whispered. Her Ciel looked towards her slightly, but Luciela waved it off. I looked at the envelope and immediately blushed and hide it.

"How did you even find this????"

"Ah, you forget that I am you. I did the same thing once." She giggled. I glared at her slightly before looking away.

An Unusual Meeting, An Unlikely RomanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant