Side Chapter: Valentine's Day in Elrios

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Job Paths:
Ciel: Royal Guard
Lu: Noblesse
Aisha: Dimension Witch
Rena: Night Watcher

((Rena's POV))

Valentine's Day was always a great day back in my village. Many people may associate Valentine's Day with love, as in, romantic love. That wasn't true for me. There are actually four types of love; Eros, which is the romantic type of love, agape, which is the love for everyone and everything despite what they may or may not have done, and storge, which is the love between family members. There's also phileo love, which is the love between friends.

These were the thoughts that ran through my mind as I looked through the vast array of sweets in the Lanox bakery. I was making sure to get a cake for everyone, and making sure to get lots of cookies for Lu. She was pretty cute and adored cookies, although I think she would have preferred Ciel's baking. I placed my order and paid for it before walking out to find a few more presents.

After a bit, I found the perfect bracelet and earrings for Aisha. They matched the amulet she constantly wore, which caused her to go into this really cute magical girl outfit and persona. She may have hated it, but I found that ability great. Next, was a present for Ciel. Now, he was a lot harder to shop for as I didn't know too much about him, despite traveling with him for several years.

I eventually ran into Lu, Ciel and Aisha as I was looking through some of the stuffed animals. They were laughing some and telling jokes. Lu then looked over and waved to me with a huge grin before pulling Ciel and Aisha over to me.

"Hello Rena! It's certainly a surprise to see you in Lanox." Lu said happily. She was holding a small purse that was new, and so was Aisha. Lu looked back at Aisha and Ciel before waving to me to bend down. I obliged and she whispered something in my ear about coming with me to buy a few presents. I laughed and nodded.

"Okay. That's fine with me as long as your guard doesn't mind." I laughed as I turned to Ciel. He smiled slightly and nodded, causing Lu to giggle and grab my hand.

"See you later guys!!" She called to them before pulling me out of sight from them. After she made sure they were gone, Lu turned to me and sighed slightly.

"Hey Rena? Have you ever loved someone, but you felt like you couldn't tell them?" She asked me with a sad smile. I frowned and nodded, kneeling to her level. She continued.

"What about having someone you love, that you couldn't tell and then finding out a close friend, maybe even best friend, loved them as well?" I shook my head before realizing something...

"Lu... You and Aisha both love Ciel, don't you?" She started tearing up and nodded. I smiled slightly and wiped her eyes.

"Hey. If there's one thing I know about Ciel, it's the fact that he adores cute things, and I know he deems you as one of those things. So, don't worry about it, okay?" I said with a smile. She smiled back and wiped her own eyes. They seemed to sparkle, but not with tears. There was something else.... Determination.

"Well, I know what I'm getting Ciel, so let's hurry, okay?" She said before skipping off. I laughed and followed her to a pet store. She ended up buying this really cute bunny and a life crystal that contained a phoru. I smiled and helped her carry the supplies she needed back to her house. After a quick glance at the clock, and asking Lu if she would be alright alone, I ran to grab my order from the bakery.

//Timeskip A Few Hours//

We had a small party for Valentines Day. Ciel got his pet and stuffed animal, while Aisha got the jewelry I got her, although Lu had made her a flower crown. Lu ended up with cookies from both Ciel and me. A few games and lots of cookies later, Lu was passed out on the couch leaning against Ciel. Aisha said good night to everyone, and we wished her well.

Ciel and I talked for a while about various herbs and spices. The entire time, he was lightly stroking Lu's hair. She eventually fell over into his lap, using his knee as a sort of pillow. I giggled slightly as stood up to leave.

"I'm going to head home now. It was great seeing you three again. Take care Ciel."

"Before you go Rena, we all pitched in and got you present. It's in a box by the door. I would get it for you, but, well, I have a slight problem." He chuckled. I smiled and looked for the box, finding it pretty easily. I brought it back to the chair I had been previously sitting in, laying the box across it. Inside was a beautiful bow that had been carved with flowers and various small woodland creatures.

"It's beautiful Ciel."

"Well, we wanted to get you something special and we knew you would need a new weapon soon." Ciel said softly. I soon heard shuffling, so I turned around to see Ciel getting up from his spot, carefully picking Lu up and carrying her with him.

"Well, I had better Lu to bed. Night Rena." He said with a slight smile. I smiled back.

"Good night then Ciel. Happy Valentines Day."

"Happy Valentines Day Rena."

((A/N: Happy Valentines Day everyone!!))

An Unusual Meeting, An Unlikely RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora