Chapter 9: The Journey

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"Mal! Mal!!!" Carlos got my attention.

"What?! You killed him!" I yelled slapping Carlos across the face.

"No! He's not dead! I injected him with a sleeping potion, it stops the heart, too." He explained.

"What?! Why would a sleeping potion stop the heart!" I yelled.

"We had to stop his heart. It's the only way to break the curse." Jay pitched in.

"Break the curse? You don't found a way, do you?!" I felt my heart pumping with excitement.

"Yeah, we do. But, there's one problem." Evie said.

"What is it?" I stopped jumping up and down inside.

"You have to go to certain places to get what you need. It's all in the spell book. Here." She handed me my spell book.

"Read this, out loud." She said.

"Okay, 'In order to break the beast curse, you must do as follows. Step 1: get the eye of a cyclops, Step 2: get the hook of Captain Hook, Step 3: get the tear of a mermaid or merman, Step 4: take a string of Rapunzel's hair, Step 5: put all ingredients together, and make the one who is cursed drink it.' That's it?" I asked, after reading.

"Yeah, the hardest is the cyclops and the mermaids and mermans." Carlos said.

"Why?" I asked.

"The cyclops is the size of a giant, and they eat humans. Then, the mermaids and mermans are extremely hard to find. They're nice! But, rare." Jay said.

"Fine, lets go get this 'Cyclops' eye and go from there." I said.

"We will go with you. It's a long journey. It's going to take a week to find the cyclops, and another week to find the hook, and the mermaids and mermans are going to take forever long, and then Rapunzel's hair should take less than an hour. So we've got a month or so." Evie explained.

We all looked at her in shock.

"What?! I'm good at math!" She shyly said.

"Okay. We have no time to waste, lets go!" Jay said.

"Wait!" Belle stopped us.

"What?" We asked.

"What about Ben? What will we do for him?" She asked.

"Just make sure you keep him warm. That's what it said in the book." Carlos said.

She nodded.

We ran out the door as quick as we could. We started walking and before we knew it, night was upon us. I couldn't stop thinking about Ben, and then the Cyclops flooded my mind. What if we all die and Ben is left to fend for himself, in a dead sleep?! I thought about everything I ever did in life, and everything I didn't do. I'm only 16 and I feel like it's the end of the world. But doesn't everyone think that when they're 16?



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