Chapter 11: The Hook

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"I have one question." Carlos said, scaring us all because off the sudden noise.

"God Carlos! What?!" Jay asked annoyed.

"How exactly do we get to Neverland?" He asked.

Jay smiled and pulled out a bag. A small one at that. He reached inside and pulled out sparkling dust.

"What is that?" Evie said, in amazement. Evie is usually always the one to fall for anything magical looking.

"It's Pixie Dust. My dad gave it to me a few years ago. I just, never used it." He explained.

"So what? We just sprinkle this on us and we fly to Neverland?" Carlos asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." Jay answered full heartedly.

"Oh." Carlos seemed shocked by the simplicity of the Pixie Dust.

"Which way is it?" Evie asked.

"Second star to the right and straight on til morning." Carlos said pointing to the stars.

"Morning! We have to walk all night?!" Evie asked.

"No, fly!" Jay grinned.



We finally made it to the morning sun and saw an island with a rock shaped like a skull. We heard canons from the island next to it. Neverland.

We followed the sounds and hid behind trees to see what was going on. We saw young boys playing with real canons and playing roughly with each other. We looked around more, and saw a thrown, and on the thrown, a boy. Peter Pan.

All of a sudden, Mal stood up and walked straight up to Peter with full confidence.

"Wendy? You changed your hair!" Peter said in shock.

"I'm not Wendy! I'm Mal, the daughter of Maleficent! I came here for Captain Hook's hook." She said. Then, the boys started cracking up laughing.

"You, you are telling me, that, that, you want Captain, Hook's, h-hook?!!!" Peter laughed so hard he was wiping tears from his eyes.

"Yeah." She said.

"Oh! Well, then. Make her walk the plank!" Peter shouted.

"No!" I cried.

All the boys and Mal looked over at me. They even saw Jay and Carlos.

"You brought another girl! And two lost boys!" Peter said excitedly.

"We need the hook so I can save my friend!" Mal cried to Peter.

"What happened with your friend?" He smirked.

"He was put under a spell, and in order to break it, I have to have Captain Hook's hook!" She explained.

"What makes you think that I have it?!" Peter smirked again.

"Because, you and Hook were enemies, you have to have it." Mal said.

"Okay. I do have it. But, you have to win it from me!" He laughed.

"How?" Mal frowned in confusion.

"You have to beat me at my own game. Sword fight!" He yelled and all the other lost boys came running in and one of the boys brought two swords. One for Mal, and the other for Peter.

"Dual!" Yelled one of the lost boys.

They began to fight faster and faster. Their swords clinking together. I think I even saw sparks! I prayed that Mal would win. But, I didn't want anyone to die.

Mal was trained by experts to do this kind of stuff. It's obvious she's gonna win. Which she does. She pints her knife at his throat and she whispers in his ear.

"I have no clue why I would kill a boy who refuses to grow up." She dropped her sword and the lost boys surprisingly cheered for her.

"No hard feelings Peter?" Mal asked.

"No. Here." He handed her the hook.

"You're really giving it to me?!" Mal smiled.

"Yeah. You earned it. I don't need it anyway. Go save your friend." He said with a smile.

Mal leaned over and kissed Peter on the cheek. Peter immediately blushed and the lost boys ran over and gave him a hard time about it, while we walked away.

"We got the hook! Now what?" Carlos asked.

"Step 3: the tear of a merman. Merman?! I thought mermaid was a choice!" Mal cried.

"I must have misread it." Carlos looked at the ground, shamefully.

"That's 1000 times harder!" Mal exclaimed.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Mermen are the rarest creature to find. Mermaids come to the top all the time! But mermen? Only on the rarest of rare occasions. They're the most luring for the girls too!" Mal laughed.

We laughed for a little while and decided to start our search for the merman tomorrow.


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