Chapter 12: The Merman

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We walked to Mermaid Lagoon, praying for a chance that we will get to see a merman. We walked over to one mermaid with a purple tail and black hair, with purple eyes.

"Hi! I'm Mal! We're looking for a merman, do you know where we could find one?" Mal asked the mermaid.

She laughed, along with the other mermaids, and they disappeared into the ocean.

"So, I'm guessing they don't?" Carlos said sarcastically.

"This is so frustrating! We will never find a merman!" I whined.

All of a sudden, I heard a voice. A singing voice, a man's voice. And I'm sure we all heard it.

'I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream, I know you, that look in your eyes are so familiar a gleam. And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem.' We then saw him, 'But, I know you, I know what you'll do. You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.' A merman.

He came closer while singing, 'Ah-ah-ah-ahhhh-ah-ah-ah-ahh' over and over again until he got to us.

He's a Siren. All mermaids are, but I didn't know that mermen could be, too.

Mal and I were oddly enhanced by the boy with a tail. His voice so smooth and soft, it could be an Angel's. He looked up at me with a smile, and kissed my cheek with his wet lips. He did the same to Mal.

"What's your name?" I shook my head, trying to get out of my daydream.

"Troy." He smiled, with an Australian accent.

"That's a beautiful name." I smiled back at him shyly.

"And yours?" He asked.

"I'm Evie, and this is Mal, Carlos, and Jay." I introduced my friends.

"Listen, we have to break a spell that's life or death. And we need your tear to help. Could you please cry?" I asked, it was the most unusual thing I've ever done. Asking a merman to cry for me to break a spell.

"I will, if you can help me." He said.

I looked at him confused.

"I live with Triton, the king of Atlantis. I thought he was my father for the longest time until yesterday. He told me that my mother and father are land people, like you. I want to find them, but, as you can see, I can't really walk." He explained, pointing to his tail.

"Of course we'll help! But, I thought Atlantis was a myth?" Mal said.

"No, in fact, it's right below Neverland." He pointed down, and we could see lights of the city underwater.

"So! That's why no one could find it!" Jay said.

"Come with us!" I said, wanting Troy to tag along.

"I can't, remember?" He sighed.

"I can give you legs!" Mal said, motioning toward her spell book.

"Really?! I would love that! Thank you!" He said to Mal.

"Of course!" She smiled. She then casted the spell.

All of a sudden, Troy was lifted by the wind onto the grass of Neverland. His tail began to glow, and then turned into legs. We were shocked. We ignored the fact that he was completely naked, but we were shocked!

"Here." Jay reached inside his bag and pulled out a loose beach sweater and shorts, and handed them to Troy.

"Thanks." Troy began to stand up, but stumbled and I caught him before he actually fell. I blushed and helped him stand up. The boys helped him with his clothes and then Carlos and I helped him walk.

It was adorable watched Troy take his first steps as if he were a baby. His skin was smooth and sparkled a little in the moonlight.

My heart pounded, and I got butterflies. I think I might actually like, Troy!

"What's next?" I asked.

"Rapunzel's hair." Jay said.

"Great! We can finally go back home! How long have we been here anyway?" Carlos asked.

"1 month." Jay said.

"A month!" We were all shocked, including Troy.

"You mean, you guys walked on these thingamawoppers for 1 month?!" Troy asked in shock. I think he meant our feet.

"Yeah, we should hurry before they worry even more!" I said.

In a week, we will get home. And I can't wait to lay in my nice warm bed.



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