Epilogue - end of year prom

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I finished curling my hair and applying the last minute make-up in my room. Rose and Alice wanted to be the ones to do my hair and make-up but I told them I would like to do it myself. I stood up and looking in my long mirror. There was a picture of Jeremy and I at the last dance together. He bought it for me and insisted that I put it somewhere I would see it every day. I took the picture down to look at it closer.

“don’t...” Edward breathed, wrapping his arms around me.

“shouldn’t you be picking Bella up” I muttered.

“I’m not leaving until you smile” he shrugged.

“I don’t even want to go to this dance Edward. I’ve got no-one to go with and I don’t like these stupid things away” I mumbled.

“I’m not the only one noticing the Jeremy thing has got to you more than you would admit. You had to kill him, he was going to do the same thing to you” Edward turned me around and took the picture from my hand, ripping it in two.

“its not good to torture yourself over what could have been... because it never would have been” Alice sung from the door, Jasper holding her close.

“if you don’t go to this dance I’m going to be majorly annoyed. I let you have the best dress” Rose growled.

“I don’t even have a date” I shrugged.

“ermm, yes you do” Emmett laughed.
“what?” I frowned.
“come with me” Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me down the corridor. She then made me stand at the top, she went down them at human pace. Wait a second I can hear a heartbeat.

She muttered something in her head about me being able to come down now so I did. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was Kellin. He looked very shy and embarrassed but actually rather attractive without his massive rimmed glasses he uses at school. He was in a black suite with a black bowtie.

“hey Kellin” I smiled at him.

“Hey Eva... you look beautiful” he muttered, blushing like mad. I gave Alice the look and she slowly backed away, back up the stairs. I tracked her movements out of the corner of my eye and saw that the rest of them, Dad and Esme included were just hiding behind the wall at the top of the stairs.

“I... errmmm... got you this, it was errrrr, ?Alice’s? idea” he mumbled handing over a pink corsage that matched my still dip dyed hair.

“thanks” I smiled at him, pulling him over to me for a hug. Once I let go of him I tried and failed to put it on my wrist.

“here, let me” he smiled. I held out my wrist for him to tie it on.

“now there is a cute couple” Esme sighed at the top of the stairs. I couldn’t help the fact my eyes darted over to the voice and I saw that they were all standing at the top of the stairs more openly now.

“yes we do” Edward smiled down at me when he read my thought; so you guys approve? The only thing was I was not interested in Kellin that way at all. He was too young and innocent for me to get involved with.

“ermm, this is the embarrassing part. I haven’t learnt to drive yet so...” he muttered, any confidence he did have, had completely gone again.

“that’s fine, we’ll take my dads amazing baby” I grabbed the car keys and pulled Kellin to the garage.

“see ya” I shouted.

“have fun” they all shouted back at me.

When we got to the dance, some random guy took our picture like he was doing every couple. Everyone gave me strange looks when they saw me with Kellin.

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