Chapter Two

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Addie thought dinner had been pleasant enough. The Parkers were awkward but very nice people. At a certain time, they sent the girls to bed telling them that they had a long two weeks ahead of them, and school the next day.

When the girls got up, they simulationsly and silently agreed to take Addie's Ford Focus, but when they got to school, they spereated and went on like every other day. Addie got some strange looks from people she didn't know that were most likely wondering why she was getting out of her car with the local badass lesbian.

Addie ignored the stares and kept her chin up haughtily. she didn't know why, but she felt as though she should be stubborn about it, proud even.

It probably had something to do with the fact that she had casually rolled up to the school with one of the most popular girls in the building. She felt a smile play across her lips. She, she Addie Smith had driven up to the school with none other than the Tami Parker.

Judging that she had never been very popular herself, this was a very big accomplishment. Maybe it wouldn't be for others but for someone who had a bit of a crush on the single most popular girl in school well...

Addie froze, she technically just admitted to herself that she liked Tami. She tried to find a part of her mind that would deny it but she couldn't. She shrugged, smiled, and ran to catch up with the friends she saw everyday.


That entire day at school, the very thought of Tami tickled Addie's mind, and she liked it. She couldn't keep the thought of liking Tami out of her head or the smile off of her face. It all just came naturally.

This was going to be a fun two weeks.

That was where she cut her mind off. If anything happened in these two weeks, the most it would be was they would become friends. That's it. Nothing more. The end.

How very wrong she was.


That day after school, Addie waited paitently for Tami to make it to her car, but when she had been waiting for ten minutes, she picked up her phone and looked at it.

She realized she had it on silent and there was a text from Tami on it.

"Hey, don't wait up, Amy gave me a ride."

Addie knew Amy, and when she read the name, she felt her burning hate for the girl come up. She didn't know know Amy, just knew who she was.

She was Tami's ex, and Addie hated that they still hung around each other, she thought it was weird, but everyone else thought it was perfectly normal.

Addie's anger turned into something else as she turned over Amy's name in her mind: Jealousy.

No, Addie couldn't be jealous could she? Come on Ads, pull your self together! Get yourself in that car and drive home! She told herself. Than she remembered she was staying with Tami.



When Addie got home, she didn't see any sign of Amy's car when she walked up to the threshold, so she figured Tami wasn't home yet, so she unlocked the door, and stepped inside.

In the foyer, Addie took off her shoes and went to the kitchen to set her stuff down. The Parker's had told her to make herself feel at home, so she was trying. Her stomach was rumbling, so she went into the kitchen and began to sift through the cabinets to see if she could find anything appetizing.

She was opening a bag of PopTarts when she heard laughter approaching the front door, throwing out the wrapper, she moved to the table and sat down as the laughing and animated talking grew louder. She heard the front door open and Tami's voice reached her ears.

"Yeah, it's gonna be awesome!" she said as her and Amy walked into the room.

"What is?" Addie said curiously

Tami jumped seeming to forget that Addie was staying with her.

"Who's that?" Amy said rudely.

"Uh she's uh- this is my next door neighbor, Addie, she's staying here while our parents are out of town." Tami said scratching her head and looking worriedly at Amy's face.

Amy's death stare cleared as she smiled over Addie, no longer seeing her as a threat, she stuck out her hand, "I'm Amy,"

Addie hesitated but reached out her hand to shake Amy's, meeting her eyes. Addie was trying her best to clear her own death stare from her eyes. You don't hate her, you have no reason to hate her Addie. She repeated in her head.

"Addie, nice to meet you," She said politely.

"Likewise," Amy said, sliding her hand from Addie's, "Uh, is she cool know?" She said to Tami.

"Uh yeah," Tami met Addie's eyes with her own wide ones and Addie forced down her blush, "Addie," she sighed, "We want to throw a party."

Addie knew what Tami was thinking. She thought Addie was a goodie two-shoes who was going to tell them that they couldn't, but no one really knew Addie. Sure, she had friends, but she was really quiet and no one saw her as a rebel like they did Tami. Addie knew Tami epected her to say, "No I'll tell!" Or something childish like that, but Addie knew exactly what she wanted and she voiced it.

"When are we doing it, and is it here?"

Amy smiled wickedly, "I'll take that as a yes," she winked at Addie who felt a genuine smile rise to her lips.

Tami was smiling as well, "This Saturday and yes, it's here."

"Wanna set up today, start inviting people?" Addie asked them.

"You know, I'm beginning to really like this girl, are you gay?" Amy looked sincerely at her.

Addie stuttered and almost answered when Amy and Tami started laughing, "I'm only joking," Amy said.

"Well, anyway," Tami said, "That's actually what we were talking about on the way in."

Addie's heart leaped, "Oh good," she wasn't sure how to phrase her next question, "Uh... umm, who's- who's bringing what?"

They both caught her eye warily, indicating they knew what she meant.

"I've got a guy," Amy said, winking at Addie again.

"Oh good, alright, who's all invited?"

"Oh only like everyone invite your friends, we don't mind, as long as they aren't snitches," Tami said.

"Oh no, definitely not!"

"Good," Tami smiled, "Then it's set, were gonna throw a party!"

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