Chapter Three

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Setting up for the party wasn't hard, it was fun if anything.

On Wednesday, the girls came home and started cleaning. Addie, Tami, Amy, and Addie's best friend Chelsea dusted, wiped, vacuumed, swept, and mopped every surface that they could. When they were all taking a break, Amy was the one that brought up snacks.

"We should make weed Brownies!"

Addie, intrigued, said, "Sounds cool! I've never had one!"

Amy looked at her incredulously, then smiled and giggled a little bit, "You're so straight-edge! Come on!" she grabbed Addie and pulled her towards the door claiming that they were "going to buy ingredients".

They got in the car and Amy started blasting her music, something Addie didn't recognize.

Stay, for tonight.

If you want to

I can show you

What my dreams are made of.

As I'm dreaming of your face.

The music was at its highest and Amy was louder than it as she sang. Addie looked her over with amusement. She definitely didn't hate her as she thought she once did. Knowing her only a day, though, she was still unsure of her.

As Addie met Amy's "Guy" and as they went to the grocery store for Brownie mix, Addie subtly studied Amy.

She could see what Tami saw in the petite, dark haired rocker girl. With her bright green, enticing eyes, and her half-shaven head of black hair, Amy was gorgeous.

And another person that now made Addie unsure of how she felt about people.


When they got back to Tami's house, Addie and Amy went to the kitchen to make the Brownies. They were the perfect team: Addie was quite the Baker and Amy knew how to make someone baked, therefore, putting them into a kitchen together to make weed Brownies worked harmoniously.

While Addie was nixing the chocolate mix, Amy came over to her and dipped her finger in it tasting it.

"Mmm," she said making a popping sound with her lip. She then dipped the same finger in the bowl and offered it to Addie.

Not wanting to seem awkward, Addie sucked her finger until it was clear of the chocolaty substance. Addie and Amy made eye contact.

Shivers shot up Addie's spine as green eyes bored into her brown ones. Her throat grew dry, and she was the first to pull away from the stare-down.

She kept mixing the chocolate, and she knew she was blushing, her whole body taught with anticipation. She heard a chuckle.

She looked at Amy, she felt a smile come over her no, not a smile,  a smirk. "What?" she asked Amy.

"Oh nothing," Amy said dramatically.

Addie poked her in the stomach playfully, she jumped and laughed, "What?"

Amy reached around Addie and stuck her finger in the chocolate mix once more and wiped it on Addie's face. Addie laughed and did the same on Amy's nose.

"Okay, okay," Amy managed between laughs, "We need to get this done."

Addie leaned against the counter. Amy, Going to the cabinet, grabbed two napkins and used one to wipe the chocolate from her nose. She ran the other under the kitchen sink and approached Addie.

She wiped gently at Addie's face. Addie realized they were relatively the same height but she herself was a couple inches shorter than Amy. Amy finished wiping Addie's cheek, but didn't move away from her. Addie was leaning on the counter and therefore could move nowhere...not that she would have...

"So," Amy's voice was low, husky, sexy, "You never did answer my question."

"What's that?" Addie was surprised to hear that the tone of her voice had a husky quality to rival Amy's.

Amy brought her face closer to Addie's ear, "Are you gay?"

Amy's breath on her neck, and the way she felt all over her body answered for her.  With an uncharacteristic boost of confidence, she nodded.

Amy chuckled in Addie's ear causing a shiver to slide through Addie, "Good,"

Amy gently put her hands on Addie's hips and brought her lips down to Addie's neck. Addie gripped the counter behind her as a shock wave rustled down her body.

Amy's soft lips traveled up her neck meeting her own lips. Addie kissed her softly back. Seeing that she was in this, Amy gripped her hips more tightly, pushing her body against Addie's, pressing her tongue against Addie's lips, demanding entrance, which Addie immediately granted.

Unsure of what to do, Addie let Amy take control. She felt weak all over her body. The weakness was over the top when it came to a small spot in between her legs.

Wrapping her arms around Amy's shoulders, she deepened the kiss, still not taking dominance, not only because she didn't know how, but because she liked the feel of being... submissive.

After what felt like ages Amy pulled away, and Addie wanted to grab her and pull her right back, but she resisted.

"Not bad," Amy remarked, winking at Addie. Addie flushed, "Have you ever been with a girl before?"

Addie didn't lie, she shook her head.

Amy's face screwed up in confusion, then she smiled again, "Really? I couldn't tell." she winked once more before grabbing the bag of weed from her pocket and applying it to the chocolate mix, "You cab go back out there if you want, I'll call you in when they're ready for a pan." she shot Addie another look, "You should pinch tour cheeks a bit, though, you're really pale."

Before she went to the living room, Addie rushed to the bathroom and looked herself over. Amy was right, she looked as if she'd seen a ghost, or better yet, like she was a ghost.

She pinched her cheeks until they were slightly rosy and looked at herself again. She tried to fight the smile coming over her lips but she couldn't.

There was a wild look to her eyes, and, with her smile and slightly flushed cheeks, Addie actually felt good about herself. She felt beautiful.

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